create a python3 virtual environment using command "virtualenv -p python3 "(on linux)
activate the environment using command "source /bin/activate"(on linux)
install requirements from requirements.txt using command "pip install -r requirements.txt".
go to the folder which has
run command "python runserver" http://localhost:8000/download_files(get)- To download all the files specified in assignment from the given url.This will store downloaded files in media.
http://localhost:8000/yearwise_data(get)- For storing all the data of downloaded text files into database using ORM.
http://localhost:8000/export_csv/id(file_id) - This url will export data of model objects having fie_id equals to id into csv file and create a chart for that csv file using d3 js.
from "http://localhost:8000/export_csv/id(file_id)" url user can see chart of any file he wants to see. Thanks