Who may have encountered this?
There is an address and a mnemonic from this address, but when imported into any wallet of the cosmos ecosystem (keplr, lip, fet. cosmostation), this address is not displayed. If anyone has encountered this, how did you solve it?
The mnemonic was imported into Kepler and only the old addresses of the SIFchain and TORI blockchain are displayed. all others are new. That is, all the old addresses are missing, eumos, juno, atom, osmosis, bitsong, bitkana.
Clarification: in 10.2020, a wallet was created on an Android smartphone. and everything is fine there now, the addresses are available for signing the transaction.
Clarification: I imported the seed into the ledger, only SifChain and Tory are displayed, but the rest are not! I connected the ledger to all wallets (Keplr, Leap, Cosmostation, FetChain, Forbole, Metamsk. Only SIFchain, TORI are displayed. The new address, empty, was not displayed on Metamask injective.