Lumunarr 1.4.0
This update now utilizes Hue API v2 for all API calls to the Hue bridge. Since Hue API v2 uses a different schema for scene and light IDs, the settings.js file will be automatically migrated to support the new IDs. Since this is a breaking change for previous versions of Lumunarr, a backup of the old settings file will be made in case you wish to revert back to an older version.
- Smart scenes are now supported (such as the Natural Light scene) due to the Hue API update {} Note: Hue currently does not support on/off transitions for smart scenes. Please be aware of this before submitting an issue.
- Also due to the Hue API update, the way colors are selected have changes from hue/saturation to using the X/Y coordinates of CIE color space. Hopefully this will bring all variations of lights closer to the correct colors when using the Server behavior options {}