- chadmayfield.com
- @chadrmayfield
- Pro
dotfiles Public
My startup and configuration files
upgrade-go Public
Upgrading go in 40 lines of bash
chadmayfield.github.io Public
Site files for chadmayfield.github.io & chadmayfield.com
my-pihole-blocklists Public archive
Create custom pi-hole blocklists
sysinfo Public
Quickly gather system information and print it in an easy to consume format
unifi-dashboards Public archive
My collection of Ubiquiti Unifi dashboards
deploy-dev-do Public archive
Deploy a full development environment automated using Vagrant, Ansible, & Bash on DigitalOcean.
scriptlets Public
Tasks I do often enough that I need to be lazy and write something to handle it
rhel2centos Public archive
Convert a deployed RHEL 6.x or 7.x server to CentOS
misc-web-scripts Public archive
miscellaneous scripts used on the web
pull-nexus-artifact Public
Pull a Nexus 3 artifact in less than 25 lines of bash.
hybrid-terminal-theme Public archive
w0ng's hybrid-vim theme for Apple's terminal.app
seeker Public archive
seeker - a random I/O meter
compliance-checks Public archive
Scripts used to verify, fix, or mitigate compliance checks (usually for DISA STIG checks). Can be considered server hardening.
zoneedit-updater Public archive
Dynamic DNS client for updating ZoneEdit.com zones. (Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/zoneedit-updater)