This is a plugin developed for Kibana 5 that displays a network node that link two fields that have been previously selected.
######Link to the page:
##Installation Steps
cd KIBANA_HOME/plugins
git clone network_vis
cd network_vis
npm install
Important: If you have any problem with the plugin version (like a warning message "it expected Kibana version "x.x.x", and found "5.0.0"") only change the value of the "version" tag on the package.json to your Kibana version
rm -rf plugins/network_vis/
##Releases for Kibana 5 and 4
Now this plugin is avalible for differents versions of Kibana, in releases you can find the source code, ZIPs and TARs of the plugin to use in:
- [Kibana 5.x] ( "Go to source")
- [Kibana 4.x] ( "Go to source")
Building a release only means packaging the plugin with all its dependencies into a zip archive. Important is to put the plugin in a folder called kibana before zipping it. The following steps would produce a release of the current head master branch.
mkdir kibana
cd kibana
git clone network_vis
cd network_vis
npm install
cd ../..
zip -r network_vis-<version>.zip kibana --exclude kibana/network_vis/.git\*
##Types of networks
####Two types of Nodes:
It can select 'Node'-'Node' in buckets to show a network that link two types of nodes. Each type is the result of the field selected.
####Nodes linked by a Relationship:
First, select 'Node' on buckets for build the network of one type of nodes, it depends of the field it has been selected. After, select 'Relation' to link the nodes through a relationship that depends of the field it has been selected.
##Integration on Dashboard
Completly integration on Dashboards with other visualizations.
##User Guide
You can find an user guide in the file
##Help me to improve! 😄
If there's any problem or doubt, please, open a Github Issue (Pull Request) or contact me via email ( It would be very helpful if you tried it and tell me what you think of it, the errors and the possible improves that I could make.
####For anything, contact me: