Task management system. live demo at burnthrough.ceshm.com
- Add and move around tasks in a tree structure
- Estimate time for each task
- Register time spent on each task
- Keep track of the burndown of each node (not impleneted yet)
- Keep track of your weekly throughput (not impleneted yet)
Developed using:
- Python 3.7.1
- Starlette 0.12.9
- uvicorn 0.9.0
- Jinja 2.10.1
Add a config.json file at the root folder, with the following structure:
"database": {
"name": "",
"user": "",
"password": "",
"host": "",
"port": 5432
$ python initial_migration.py
Start the server, using the uvicorn command:
$ uvicorn burnthrough:app --port 3000