pythonanywhere configuration:
- Go to the bash and clone the repository:
- Create Virtual Environment: mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3.6 myenv
- Install Django: pip install django
- Install corsheaders: pip install django-cors-headers
- Under the 'Web' tab, create a new Web-Application and configure the virtual environment just created above
- Configure the file by setting up the path for this project ('/home/hcilabasu/UbicosApp/textbook') and also Django_Settings_Module (textbook.settings)
- In the Django Project, add '' in ALLOWED_HOST array.
- Reload the server.
- (setting the static files): 9.a. In pythonanywhere add the following two url-directory pair /static/admin/ - /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/contrib/admin/media /static/ - /home/hcilabasu/UbicosApp/textbook/app/static
- Reload the server.
(pusher library installation)
- Go inside the virtual environment using the bash console
- pip install pusher
- reload the applicatin