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NodeJS - Browser

Instructions to run instances of ts-nitro clients in NodeJS and browser environments and create a ledger channel between them


Run relay node using v2 watcher


  • Clone ts-nitro repo in a separate directory which will be used for running the client in browser environment

  • In the first repo follow steps from server readme setup for NodeJS environment client

  • In second repo follow these steps:

    • In root of the repo, install depedencies:

    • Copy the deployed contract addresses from 1st repo

      cp <PATH_TO_FIRST_REPO>/packages/nitro-util/nitro-addresses.json <PATH_TO_SECOND_REPO>/packages/example-web-app/src/nitro-addresses.json
    • Build packages for browser environment

      yarn build:browser --ignore @cerc-io/example-web-app
    • Set the relay node multiaddr in example-web-app .env

    • Run browser app in dev mode

      cd packages/example-web-app
      yarn start


  • Open app in browser

  • Open console in browser inspect and enable debug logs by setting localStorage.debug = 'ts-nitro:*'

  • Refresh the app for enabling logs

  • Setup client

    const nitro = await setupNode('charlie')
  • Assign private keys of Bob to variables

    # In packages/server
    export BOB_PK=0279651921cd800ac560c21ceea27aab0107b67daf436cdd25ce84cad30159b4
    export BOB_CHAIN_PK=59c6995e998f97a5a0044966f0945389dc9e86dae88c7a8412f4603b6b78690d
    export CHARLIE_ADDRESS=0x67D5b55604d1aF90074FcB69b8C51838FFF84f8d
  • Run the client for Bob (0xBBB676f9cFF8D242e9eaC39D063848807d3D1D94) and pass in Charlie’s address as a counterparty to create the ledger channel with::

    # In packages/server
    yarn cli --pk $BOB_PK --chain-pk $BOB_CHAIN_PK --use-durable-store true --durable-store-folder ./out/bob-db --direct-fund --counter-party $CHARLIE_ADDRESS --get-ledger-channel --amount 1000000
    # Expected output:
    # ts-nitro:engine Constructed Engine +0ms
    # ts-nitro:server Started P2PMessageService +0ms
    # .
    # ts-nitro:engine Objective DirectFunding-0x82153f26fcbe95d5add755d0bfe63ef5940615a8a7fd6ec65822339300e4e268 is complete & returned to API +35ms
    # ts-nitro:server Ledger channel created with id 0x82153f26fcbe95d5add755d0bfe63ef5940615a8a7fd6ec65822339300e4e268 +6s
  • Assign ledger channel id in output log above to an environment variable

  • Run client for Bob again to create virtual payment channel:

    yarn cli --pk $BOB_PK --chain-pk $BOB_CHAIN_PK --use-durable-store true --durable-store-folder ./out/bob-db --virtual-fund --counter-party $CHARLIE_ADDRESS --get-payment-channel --amount 1000
    # Final Expected output:
    # ts-nitro:engine Objective VirtualFund-0xf112143060c59a6d2c5b2d429ca46eb48286e1ca1301da60b9a1a184ad1a58bb is complete & returned to API +1ms
    # ts-nitro:server Virtual payment channel created with id 0xf112143060c59a6d2c5b2d429ca46eb48286e1ca1301da60b9a1a184ad1a58bb +999ms
  • Assign payment channel id in output log above to an environment variable

  • Run client for Bob to make payment:

    yarn cli --pk $BOB_PK --chain-pk $BOB_CHAIN_PK --use-durable-store true --durable-store-folder ./out/bob-db --pay --amount 50 --payment-channel $PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ID --wait
    • Wait for voucher received log in client Charlie
  • Check status of payment channel after making payments in browser

    out(await nitro.getPaymentChannel("<$PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ID>"))
  • Close virtual payment channel using client Bob

    yarn cli --pk $BOB_PK --chain-pk $BOB_CHAIN_PK --use-durable-store true --durable-store-folder ./out/bob-db --virtual-defund --payment-channel $PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ID --get-payment-channel
    # Final Expected output:
    # ts-nitro:engine Objective VirtualDefund-0xe613b9f1651f971473061a968823463e9570b83230c2bce734b21800f663e4aa is complete & returned to API +1ms
    # ts-nitro:server Virtual payment channel with id 0xe613b9f1651f971473061a968823463e9570b83230c2bce734b21800f663e4aa closed
  • Close the ledger channel using client Bob

    yarn cli --pk $BOB_PK --chain-pk $BOB_CHAIN_PK --use-durable-store true --durable-store-folder ./out/bob-db --direct-defund --ledger-channel $LEDGER_CHANNEL_ID --get-ledger-channel
    # Final Expected output:
    # ts-nitro:engine Objective DirectDefunding-0xe29e2d7ee060fb78b279ac4c8f5cc9bf59334f3e0d25315d5e3c822ed0303d9e is complete & returned to API +1ms
    # ts-nitro:server Ledger channel with id 0xe29e2d7ee060fb78b279ac4c8f5cc9bf59334f3e0d25315d5e3c822ed0303d9e closed
  • Check balance of accounts on chain

    # Bob's balance
    echo $(
      printf "Result: %d" $(
        curl -sk -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{
          "params": ["0xBBB676f9cFF8D242e9eaC39D063848807d3D1D94", "latest"],
        }' http://localhost:8545 | jq -r '.result'
    # Expected output:
    # Result: 2000000
    # Charlie's balance
    echo $(
      printf "Result: %d" $(
        curl -sk -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{
          "params": ["0x67D5b55604d1aF90074FcB69b8C51838FFF84f8d", "latest"],
        }' http://localhost:8545 | jq -r '.result'
    # Expected output:
    # Result: 1000050

Clean up

  • In NodeJS environment clear storage by deleting DB directories in /packages/server

    rm -r ./out
  • In browser apps call clearClientStorage method to delete all indexedDBs

