| @codecov | |
Start by restoring the nuget packages and building the solution.
Coverage is generated using OpenCover. You can obtain it from NuGet or Chocolatey. If we run the following command in PowerShell to install OpenCover via Chocolatey,
choco install opencover.portable
the OpenCover commandline will become available.
Generation of coverage report is slighly different depending on the .NET platform of your test projects.
First install the xUnit console runner via Nuget or Chocolatey. If we run the following in PowerShell to install xUnit via Chocolatey
choco install xunit
and execute the following in your solution's root,
OpenCover.Console.exe -register:user -target:"xunit.console.x86.exe" -targetargs:".\MyUnitTests\bin\Debug\MyUnitTests.dll -noshadow" -filter:"+[UnitTestTargetProject*]* -[MyUnitTests*]*" -output:".\MyProject_coverage.xml"
Then a coverage report will be generated.
Execute the following in your solution's root,
OpenCover.Console.exe -register:user -target:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe" -targetargs:"/testcontainer:"".\MyUnitTests\bin\Debug\MyUnitTests.dll" -filter:"+[UnitTestTargetProject*]* -[MyUnitTests*]*" -output:".\MyProject_coverage.xml"
where you may need to change the -target
flag to point to the correct version of MSTest.
If you don't yet have .NET Core SDK installed, install it
choco install dotnetcore-sdk
In case of .NET Core projects, there is no difference between MSTest
and xUnit
for coverage report generation.
Make sure all covered projects generate full pdb file (not only test projects), either through <DebugType>full</DebugType>
in the .csproj
file or by using a Visual Studio: Project Properties > Build > Advanced > Debugging information. By default, projects created by dotnet
or by Visual Studio use a portable format for pdb files. Support for portable pdb format hasn't been released in OpenCover yet. If you fail to set full pdb, the OpenCover
will print out a message notifying you that it has no results along with common causes.
The .NET Core test assembly can't be run by a xunit.console.x86.exe
, because that tool works only with .NET Framework assemblies. The tests are run by dotnet test
(possibly dotnet xunit
if you add dotnet-xunit CLI tool to your project).
Execute the following command in your solution's root:
OpenCover.Console.exe -register:user -target:"C:/Program Files/dotnet/dotnet.exe" -targetargs:test -filter:"+[UnitTestTargetProject*]* -[MyUnitTests*]*" -output:".\MyProject_coverage.xml" -oldstyle
where -oldstyle
switch is necessary, because .NET Core uses System.Private.CoreLib
instead of mscorlib
and thus OpenCover
can't use mscorlib
for code instrumentation. You may also need to change the location of dotnet.exe
to depending on the installed location.
Many options exit for uploading reports to Codecov. Three commonly used uploaders for .NET are
- Codecov-exe (C# source code)
- Bash
- Python
For OS X and Linux builds, the recommended uploader is bash. For windows builds, all three uploaders work, but Codecov-exe does not require any dependencies. For example, the bash uploader and python uploader would require bash or python to be installed. This may or may not be an option.
First install Codecov-exe via Nuget or Chocolatey. If we run the following in PowerShell to install it via Chocolatey
choco install codecov
and then run the following in PowerShell
.\codecov -f "MyProject_coverage.xml" -t <your upload token>
the report will be uploaded.
In bash run the following to upload the report
curl -s > codecov
chmod +x codecov
./codecov -f "MyProject_coverage.xml" -t <your upload token>
First installed python (if you don't have it already). A simple way to install python is Chocolatey
choco install python
Next run the following in PowerShell
pip install codecov
.\codecov -f "MyProject_coverage.xml" -t <your upload token>
The previous examples assumed local development. More commonly, you'll use a CI service like AppVeyor or TeamCity. For TeamCity builds please see the documentation. For AppVeyor builds using xUnit, your yaml file would look something like
image: Visual Studio 2015
- nuget restore
- choco install opencover.portable
- choco install codecov
project: CodecovProject.sln
verbosity: minimal
- OpenCover.Console.exe -register:user -target:"%xunit20%\xunit.console.x86.exe" -targetargs:".\MyUnitTests\bin\Debug\MyUnitTests.dll -noshadow" -filter:"+[UnitTestTargetProject*]* -[MyUnitTests*]*" -output:".\MyProject_coverage.xml"
- codecov -f "MyProject_coverage.xml"
Using this method you can cache your packages.config file.
image: Visual Studio 2015
- nuget restore
project: CodecovProject.sln
verbosity: minimal
- .\packages\<ADD PATH>\OpenCover.Console.exe -register:user -target:"%xunit20%\xunit.console.x86.exe" -targetargs:".\MyUnitTests\bin\Debug\MyUnitTests.dll -noshadow" -filter:"+[UnitTestTargetProject*]* -[MyUnitTests*]*" -output:".\MyProject_coverage.xml"
- .\packages\<ADD PATH>\codecov.exe -f "MyProject_coverage.xml"
image: Visual Studio 2015
- nuget restore
- choco install opencover.portable
project: CodecovProject.sln
verbosity: minimal
- OpenCover.Console.exe -register:user -target:"%xunit20%\xunit.console.x86.exe" -targetargs:".\MyUnitTests\bin\Debug\MyUnitTests.dll -noshadow" -filter:"+[UnitTestTargetProject*]* -[MyUnitTests*]*" -output:".\MyProject_coverage.xml"
- "SET PATH=C:\\Python34;C:\\Python34\\Scripts;%PATH%"
- pip install codecov
- codecov -f "MyProject_coverage.xml"
If you use Cake (C# Make) for your build automation, there is a Cake.Codecov addin available. Cake also has built in support for OpenCover. It makes using OpenCover and Codecov-exe really easy!
An example C# project using AppVeyor, xUnit, OpenCover, and Codecov-exe is DotNetAnalyzers/StyleCopAnalyzers.