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Our Souporcell repo but for Nextflow Tower


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Our Souporcell repo combined with Vireo into a Nextflow pipeline.

There are two branches:

main - this branch contains the script for running demultiplexing on the FARM using Nextflow command line.

nextflow-tower - this branch contains the script for running demultiplexing on the FARM using Nextflow Tower.

Quick start

First git clone into actions. Then create sample file actions/samples.tsv:

name1	/path/to/1/bam	/path/to/1/barcodes.tsv.gz  K1
name2	/path/to/2/bam	/path/to/2/barcodes.tsv.gz  K2

Then run from ticket folder:

screen -S tic-N
fash 1 oversubscribed 1
nextflow run actions/nf-demultiplex/ \
 -entry souporcell \
 --SAMPLEFILE actions/samples.tsv \


  1. Specify ngenomes, if you now how many genotypes (donors) should be present whole dataset (see below).
  2. See check_sex below if you need to identify donor sex.
  3. pipeline expects chromosomes names to include "chr" ("chr1" not "1"). You'll need to change soc_vcf and soc_fasta if your bam file uses no-chr naming, see commented lines in nextflow.config.

Contents of Repo:

  • - the Nextflow pipeline that executes demultiplexing.
  • nextflow.config - the configuration script that allows the processes to be submitted to IBM LSF on Sanger's HPC and ensures correct environment is set via singularity container (this is an absolute path). Global default parameters are also set in this file and some contain absolute paths.
  • examples/samples.txt - samplefile tsv containing 3 fields: sampleID, path to BAM file, path to barcodes tsv.gz file (The order of these files is important!). These paths can be IRODs paths or local paths.
  • examples/RESUME-demultiplex - an example run script that executes the pipeline it has 1 hardcoded argument: /path/to/sample/file that needs to be changed based on your local set up.
  • bin/ - a bash script that runs cellsnp inside the pipeline.
  • bin/ - a python script that produces a tsv of top clusters shared between samples.
  • bin/ - a bash script that runs souporcell's shared samples funcitonality inside the pipeline.
  • bin/ - a quick qc script that enables quick sanity checks that souporcell worked correctly.
  • bin/ - a bash script that runs souporcell inside the pipeline.
  • bin/ - a nash script that runs vireo inside the pipeline.
  • dockerfiles/Dockerfile-souporcell - a dockerfile to reproduce the environment used to run souporcell in the pipeline.
  • dockerfiles/Dockerfile-vireo - a dockerfile to reproduce the environment used to run vireo in the pipeline.
  • dockerfiles/Dockerfile-shared-samples-quantification - a dockerfile to reproduce the environment used to run shared samples quantificaiton.

Pipeline Arguments:

  • -entry - The entrypoint to specify which determines whether souporcell or vireo or both.
  • --SAMPLEFILE - The path to the sample file provided to the pipeline. This is a tab-separated file with one sample per line. Each line should contain a sample id, path to bam file, path to gzipped barcodes file, K - number of genotypes in this sample (in that order!).
  • --outdir - The path to where the results will be saved.
  • --K - The number of donors in the samples. All samples must contain the same number of donors.
  • --barcodes_on_irods - Tells pipeline whether to look for the gzipped barcodes file on IRODS or the FARM (default false means look locally).
  • --bam_on_irods - Tells pipeline whether to look for the bam file on IRODS or the FARM (default false means look locally).


  • --soc_vcf - Path to vcf file used for souporcell (default is 2p 1k genome with chr nomenclature). This default argument is hardcoded and needs to be changed to your local path to the file.
  • --soc_fasta - Path to genome fasta for pipeline to use (by default GRCh38 2020A is used). This default argument is hardcoded and needs to be changed to your local path to the file.
  • --known_genotypes - Whether to use the known_genotypes option. If true is used then the --soc_vcf option needs to be provided with a path to the known genotypes VCF file. The number of genotypes in the known genotypes vcf must match the number of donors supplied in the K parameter (Defualt false means not to use known_genotypes).
  • --skip_remap - Whether to skip remapping in souporcell pipeline (default true means skip remapping).
  • --no_umi - Tells the pipeline whether the BAM files have a UMI tag (default false means BAM file has UMI tag).
  • --ngenomes - number of expected genotypes (donors) in whole dataset. Pipeline attempts to cluster souporcell clusters by genotypes, according to loss reported by shared_samples script. By default it guesses number of genotypes, but it will work better if you specify it using this parameter.
  • --check_sex - set it to true if you want pipeline to identify donor sexes using XIST/RPS4Y1 expressions. It is experimental, it expects filtered_feature_bc_matrix to be in the same place as bams and right now it only implemented for all workflow (that is both vireo and souporcell) - just because I'm lazy. Pipeline will generate sex folder with two csv files (for souporcell and vireo) with summary statistics about XIST/RPS4Y1 expression in predicted donors and assigned sex. It will also generate some figures.


  • --snp_vcf - The gzipped VCF file to provide to cellSNP which is ran to generate input for vireo (default genome1K.phase3.SNP_AF5e2.chr1toX.hg38). This default argument is hardcoded and needs to be changed to your local path to the file.