See demo here!
- Clone the repository on your machine
git clone <GIT REPOS HERE> [folder name]
cd [folder name]
- Inside the repository, install the necessary packages
npm install
- Start the local server
npm start
- As you work in the repository, your changes will publish and refresh your local server on the fly.
- To stop the server, use the terminal command
Ctrl. + C
- Checkout a new branch by choosing a simple name that expresses the individual issue you're addressing
git checkout -b my-feature-28
- Do your work in the branch
- Check that your changes are present by checking the status
git status
- Add your changes to the branch
git add .
- Add a commit message that explains the work that's complete, the way you did it, and any other notes you might want to leave for code reviewers
git commit -m "My feature is now working on the front page. I noticed that there might be a typo in a public function. You'll see the code comment."
- Push your work into the branch origin
git push -u origin my-feature-28
- Create a pull request and assign as reviewer
- Once all issues are addressed and you have at least two approvals, merge your changes to master and deploy.
All commands in one clipboard:
git checkout -b [branch name]
git status
git add .
git commit -m "[commit message]"
git push -u origin [branch name]
- Login into Heroku with Email and Password:
heroku login
- Add the Heroku branch to your local machine:
heroku git:remote -a <heroku app name>
- Develop as per normal, branching and merging to master.
- Once you are happy with master, push the changes into the Heroku branch:
git push heroku master
- This also runs all of the build and deployment commands, so it may take a moment, but once it's complete, the live link should be updated.
File | Description | Edit? |
[config/](src/master/config/) | This is used to build out the webpack. In most cases, this won't need to be edited unless we decide to change our build in some way. | N |
[node_modules/](src/master/node_modules/) | The folder for all of the modules pulled in by Node. Good folder to see what FontAwesome icons are available. | N |
[public/](src/master/public/) | Don't edit this. Anything you put in here will get replaced as this folder is the output of the build and what is viewed by the front end. | N |
[scripts/](src/master/scripts/) | These are the node scripts. Again, unless we are changing the way the build works, this shouldn't need to change | N |
[src/](src/master/src/) | This is where the editing happens. | Y |
[src/fonts/](src/master/src/fonts/) | Local fonts. | Y |
[src/img/](src/master/src/img/) | Local image assets for things like the logo and map pins | Y |
[src/js/](src/master/src/js/) | All JavaScript and JSX. | Y |
[src/js/components/](src/master/src/js/components/) | JSX components that are used on different pages | Y |
[src/js/components/inputs/](src/master/src/js/components/inputs/) | JSX components that are also used as input, select, and textarea elements so that the HTML is standardized with much less typing. | Y |
[src/js/pages/](src/master/src/js/pages/) | This folder is for all of the JSX components that wrap full pages and are used as Routes in App.js |
Y |
[src/js/resources/](src/master/src/js/resources/) | This is general JavaScript that helps the rest of this code do what it needs to do. | Y |
[src/scss/](src/master/) | All Sass partials | Y |
[src/scss/global/](src/master/src/scss/) | Initial tag settings, set globally before use. Similar to standardized CSS. | Y |
[src/scss/layout/](src/master/src/scss/layout/) | This puts the general block elements on the page where they belong and dictate the structure of pages in a general sense. | Y |
[src/scss/object/](src/master/src/scss/object/) | This is for objects that are rendered on multiple pages in multiple contexts | Y |
[src/scss/pages/](src/master/src/scss/pages/) | This is for the styles specific to one page on the site | Y |
[src/scss/presets/](src/master/src/scss/presets/) | These have variables, mixins, and other presets for how the CSS is written so that it's faster to build. | Y |
[src/App.js](src/master/src/App.js) | This is the base file that sets up the routes and holds the default state of the application. | Y |
[src/App.scss](src/master/src/App.scss) | This imports all of the style partials from /scss |
Y |
[src/App.test.js](src/master/src/App.test.js) | This tests the current connection for registerServiceWorker.js |
Y |
[src/index.js](src/master/src/index.js) | This is the true entry point for the application, but is also used to set up Redux. | Y |
[src/registerServiceWorker.js](src/master/src/registerServiceWorker.js) | This informs how the server needs to build the page based on context. | N |
[.gitignore](src/master/.gitignore) | Git settings for what to ignore on commit | Y |
[package-lock.json](src/master/package-lock.json) | JSON file for NPM settings | N |
[package.json](src/master/package.json) | JSON file for Yarn settings | N |
[](src/master/ | This file | Y |