Some macros to work around Julia's inability to reload packages, remove function methods, and redefine structs.
Install FastRepl with Julia's package manager:
julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("")'
# Running this cell again will reload the package
# This can be any (single) valid import or using statement
@reset using MyPackage
@repl import MyPackage: x, y
@repl import MyPackage.z
# When developing a standalone file not in a package:
@repl include("MyFile.jl") using .MyFile
# Create a new function without any previously defined methods
@reset function my_function(x)
# Add methods to the function defined above
@repl function my_function(x, arg2)
@repl my_function(x, arg2::Int) = x * arg2
# Define a new struct (any previously defined constructors are cleared)
@repl struct MyStruct
# An inner constructor
MyStruct(x) = new(x * 2)
# Add a constructor to the struct
@repl function MyStruct(x, arg2::Int)
MyStruct(x * arg2)
Some of the above macros can be automatically applied in an IJulia notebook by including the following line in the first cell:
using FastRepl; register_auto()
### Cell 1 ###
using FastRepl; register_auto()
# Other imports
@repl using MyPackage # Quikly reload package
@repl include("MyFile.jl") using .MyFile # Quikly reload file
### Cell 2 ###
@@repl reset # Reset all functions defined in the cell
# The @repl or @reset macros are automatically added
function my_function(x) x end
function my_function(x, arg2) arg2 end
### Cell 3 ###
# In most cases, no code change is needed.
# IJulia automatically applies the macro.
function my_function(x, arg2::Int) = x * arg2
struct MyStruct
# An inner constructor
MyStruct(x) = new(x * 2)
MyStruct(x, arg2::Int) = MyStruct(x * arg2)