Download Alenka
Download CUDPP library
Download ModernGpu library
Install CUDPP and ModernGPU into Alenka directory
Run Makefile or
This is a GPU based database engine written to use vector based processing and high bandwidth of modern GPUs
Vector-based processing
CUDA programming model allows a single operation to be applied to an entire set of data at once. -
Smart compression
Ultra fast compression and decompression performed directly inside GPU. -
Column-based storage
Minimize disk I/O by only accessing the relevant data. -
Data skipping
Better performance without indexes.
Create your data files :
Run scripts load_orders.sql, load_lineitem.sql and load_customer.sql to create your database files.
O := LOAD 'orders' BINARY AS (o_orderkey{1}:int, o_custkey{2}:int, o_orderdate{5}:int, o_shippriority{8}:int);
C := LOAD 'customer' BINARY AS (c_custkey{1}:int, c_mktsegment{7}:varchar(10));
L := LOAD 'lineitem' BINARY AS (l_orderkey{1}:int, price{6}:decimal, discount{7}:decimal, shipdate{11}:int);
OFI := FILTER O BY o_orderdate < 19950315;
CF := FILTER C BY c_mktsegment == "BUILDING";
LF := FILTER L BY shipdate > 19950315;
OLC := SELECT o_orderkey AS o_orderkey, o_orderdate AS o_orderdate,
o_shippriority AS o_shippriority, price AS price, discount AS discount
FROM LF JOIN OFI ON l_orderkey = o_orderkey
JOIN CF ON o_custkey = c_custkey;
F := SELECT o_orderkey AS o_orderkey1, o_orderdate AS orderdate1,
o_shippriority AS priority, SUM(price*(1-discount)) AS sum_revenue, COUNT(o_orderkey) AS cnt
FROM OLC GROUP BY o_orderkey, o_orderdate, o_shippriority;
RES := ORDER F BY sum_revenue DESC, orderdate1 ASC;
STORE RES INTO 'results.txt' USING ('|') LIMIT 10;
Using TPC-H benchmark at the scale 1000 (1TB of data) we compared the following systems :
My system (Total cost : 1,700 USD) :
- CPU - Pentium G620, 2 cores
- GPU - NVidia GTX Titan, 6GB of DDR5 GPU memory
- 16GB of memory
- 1 Vertex3 120GB SSD
- AlenkaDB
Top #7 TPC-H result at scale 1000 (Total cost : $1,128,288 USD):
- IBM Power 780 Model 9179-MHB
- 8 IBM POWER7 4.1GHz CPUs, 32 cores
- 512 GB of memory
- 52 x 69GB SAS SSD
- Sybase IQ Single Application Server Edition v.15.2
Results of TPC-H Queries Q1,Q2 and Q3 in seconds ( the lower values are better )
Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | |
IBM+Sybase | 118 | 7.8 | 27 |
Titan+Alenka | 72 | 6.1 | 23 |
*Alenka run time calculated as total run time - disk time.