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Various useful files for working in the JetBrains PhpStorm
Barcode generator in PHP that is easy to use, non-bloated and framework independent.
Windows 10/11 Guide. Including Windows Security tools, Encryption, Nextcloud, Graphics, Gaming, Virtualization, Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL 2), Software Apps, and Resources.
Display data from various components like Yandex.Maps placemarks. Joomla articles are displayed as Yandex.maps placemarks. The articles categories and contacts are not displayed yet. The module is …
The plugin adds a new type of user field for Joomla 4 - Yandex.Maps. It allows you to display the label on Yandex Maps in those extensions that support custom fields in Joomla 4.
Plugin para migrar artículos de Wordpress a Joomla 4 por consola de comandos.
All that this component does is display a blank page on the site that is attached to a menu item. For Joomla 3.8 or later.
Plugin for Joomla 3.7+ for importing and exporting articles with additional fields
UniGetUI: The Graphical Interface for your package managers. Could be terribly described as a package manager manager to manage your package managers
Revars Page - плагин дополнительных шорт-кодов для системного плагина Revars.
RadicalMart Field Download - плагин поля товара компонента RadicalMart для CMS Joomla
RadicalMart Breadcrumbs - модуль хлебных крошек компонента RadicalMart.
RadicalMart Field Related - плагин поля связанных товаров компонента RadicalMart для CMS Joomla
Home of the Joomla! Content Management System
Плагин RadicalForm UserMail для CMS Joomla
700+ Pure CSS, SVG & Figma UI Icons, 6000+ glyphs, patterns, colors and layouts.
The plugin replaces the standard content rating with the like button. Supports custom output layouts. Works with Joomla 3, Joomla 4 and Joomla 5.
Squoosh Desktop App is a multiplatform desktop app to compress, resize, and crop your images.
Модуль списка категорий компонента RadicalMart
RadicalMart Category - модуль товаров определенной категории компонента RadicalMart
A beautiful svg + png + sass + css collection of 261 flags.
Radical MultiField для Yootheme Pro