A minimal ChatGPT client by vanilla javascript, run from local or any web host
This program aims to code a full functional chatGPT client using only raw HTML/CSS/JavaScript with minimal coding effort, in the purpose of exploring the minimum requirements of utilizing chatGPT features without the need for a server, framework, or additional resources.
This program offers basic conversation functions with some enhancements for conversation content
- refined printout
- easy to copy code-block and content
- export conversation to markdown
- voice recognition and speak answer
It is available as a single HTML file, which run directly from local or GitHub source folder.
- https://raw.githack.com/casualwriter/vanilla-chatgpt/main/source/index.html
- https://raw.githack.com/casualwriter/vanilla-chatgpt/main/source/vanilla-chatgpt.html
- if do not have API key, please check the demo
Source folder includes two version of vanilla-chatGPT with a javascript library for chatGPT API.
- index.html is a single file version of vanilla-chatGPT. no dependence.
- vanilla-chatgpt.html is the minimum version using casual-markdown.js and vanilla-chatgpt.js.
- vanilla-chatgpt.js the js library reusable for your chatGPT client.
The program is quite simple in about 380/165 lines of code, making it easy to be revised in your purpose.
You can fork this repo to add your prompt library and further customization.
is the reusable code with the following functions:
submit prompt in stream mode.chat.send(prompt)
submit prompt in normal mode.chat.onmessage(text)
will be triggered when message received.chat.oncomplete(text)
will be triggered when message completed.chat.controller.abort()
to abort fetch() processchat.export()
to export conversation to markdown filechat.history[]
keep the conversation historychat.apiKey
stored the OPENAI_API_KEY, please assign it before call above functions.
When load the page first time, Program will prompt to input OPENAI_API_KEY which could be found in openai account page -> API Key
It is safe as the key will be stored in browser local storage by the following script
// prompt for API key if not found in localStorage
window.onload = function () {
chat.apiKey = localStorage.getItem('OPENAI_API_KEY');
if (!chat.apiKey || chat.apiKey.length < 10 ) {
chat.apiKey = prompt("Please input Secret API key (will store in local.storage)", "sk-");
localStorage.setItem('OPENAI_API_KEY', chat.apiKey)
For next time loading the page, it will retrieve API key from local storage.
To remove the API key from local storage, just click on [logout] button.
If feel not convenience to input the key every time, you may can hard-code the API key as below
window.onload = function () {
chat.apiKey = 'sk-???????????';
Please be aware that if you hard-code the key in HTML, it may become vulnerable to being revealed. It's recommended run the program on a local or private network.
Inspired by the some self-host solutions
- https://github.com/yuezk/chatgpt-mirror, mirror of ChatGPT (node.js, self-host)
- https://github.com/dirk1983/chatgpt, a simple self-host solution (php)
Special thanks for jat23606, he inspired and contributed the code for voice recognition and speak feature.
- 2023/03/29, v0.65, initial version
- 2023/04/12, v0.70, add voice recognition and speak, and some minor refinement