A Spectral Modelling Tool for Modular Synthesis
Coded in SuperCollider
For a description of the calibration process and modular resynthesis, please view the attached pdf version of the information titled "Modular Resynthesis of Spectral Data" paper.
For a verbose description of the process and code with video walkthroughs and audio examples, please view the following video presentation:
Here are links to specific walkthroughs within the presentation:
Walkthrough of component architecture for calibration and partial resynthesis: https://youtu.be/wrbxDqqFEhg?t=163
Calibration process walkthrough: https://youtu.be/wrbxDqqFEhg?t=486
Partial resynthesis using two modules: https://youtu.be/wrbxDqqFEhg?t=815
Walkthrough of residual resynthesis by way of a modular bandpass and amplifier pair: https://youtu.be/wrbxDqqFEhg?t=1100
You can also use this calibration code to precisely control speed of cassette players:
Here is the code controlling a cassette speed to make a slide guitar type sound (the sound sources on the cassette are SuperCollider):
In this case, I'm using KeyState.kr to change pitch diatonically and using MouseX to shorten the Lag.kr time on the pitch/cv changes .
Here is code controlling cassette speed on a recorder sample being looped and pitch changed like a mellotron, playing the intro score to Ingmar Bergman's Jungfrukällan:
Oddly, I found the pitch tracked so well that the added pitch wavering was made with LFNoise1.
To run the software, add the supercollider class files AtsCalibration.sc and AtsCV.sc located in the SC_Class_Files folder and recompile the SC class library.
CODE DEPENDANCY/REQUIREMENT: The calibration code accuracy in AtsCalibration.sc is improved when using Tartini, a pitch tracking plugin. If you can load the enclosed Tartini plugin, uncomment the Tartini reference in AtsCalibration.sc and comment the reference to Pitch.kr.
In the Calibration_Files folder are sample calibration data files that can be used to run the classes.
All audio examples are enclosed in the Audio_Examples folder
The ATS files used in the video walkthroughs and Audio_Examples are located in the ATS_Files folder.
UNDOCUMENTED FEATURE: Due various cv contraints such as positive-only voltage or different scales (eg Korg MS20) a min and max voltage range can be defined by two additional numberboxes for each calibration channel.
For any questions/comments please contact atsmodularproject@gmail.com