What steps did you take:
I wanted to compare two (yaml) structures that had been read into data.values and turned into dictionaries.
I used the ==
operator as is our traditional way.
What happened:
- comparison exceeded maximum recursion depth
What did you expect:
a boolean
Anything else you would like to add:
the culprit is here:
because whenever they made starlark they were really conservative re. the stack limits for equality comparisons.
IMO this would be magical to expose via command line flag and/or hardcode several orders of magnitude larger.
(note that if this is exposed via CLI flag, I think there's another place where depth/maxdepth is also hardcoded, but I'll let you-all grep the codebase and consider implementation details like if i'm raising the recursion limit in one place do i probably also want to raise it in all the places? probably?)
Here is a repro:
#@ def buildNest(mm, d):
#@ if d == 0:
#@ return mm
#@ end
#! "i pity d foo"; see below
#@ i = d
#@ mm[d] = {i: buildNest({'pity': 'foo'}, d-1)}
#@ return mm
#@ end
#@ depth = 4
#@ map1 = buildNest({}, depth)
#@ map2 = buildNest({}, depth)
map: #@ map1
#! this exceeds recursion depth when depth >= 5. I pity d foo who exceeds max recursion depth!
nested_map: #@ map1 == map2
(i suspect this exists in all versions of ytt released up til today)
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