40 commits
to develop
since this release
Installation and signature verification
By downloading binary from the release
For instance, if you are using Linux on an AMD64 architecture:
# Download the binary
curl -LO https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/releases/download/v0.40.1/vendir-linux-amd64
# Move the binary in to your PATH
mv vendir-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/vendir
# Make the binary executable
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/vendir
Via Homebrew (macOS or Linux)
$ brew tap carvel-dev/carvel
$ brew install vendir
$ vendir version
Verify checksums file signature
Install cosign on your system https://docs.sigstore.dev/system_config/installation/
The checksums file provided within the artifacts attached to this release is signed using Cosign with GitHub OIDC. To validate the signature of this file, run the following commands:
# Download the checksums file, certificate and signature
curl -LO https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/releases/download/v0.40.1/checksums.txt
curl -LO https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/releases/download/v0.40.1/checksums.txt.pem
curl -LO https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/releases/download/v0.40.1/checksums.txt.sig
# Verify the checksums file
cosign verify-blob checksums.txt \
--certificate checksums.txt.pem \
--signature checksums.txt.sig \
--certificate-identity-regexp=https://github.com/carvel-dev \
Verify binary integrity
To verify the integrity of the downloaded binary, you can utilize the checksums file after having validated its signature.
# Verify the binary using the checksums file
sha256sum -c checksums.txt --ignore-missing
✨ What's new
- fix: close tmp file before rename by @meier-christoph in #360
- Make version more flexible to allow vendir to be used as a library by @joaopapereira in #365
- Update copyright headers by @prashantrewar in #369
- Use latest github.com/carvel-dev/semver by @mamachanko in #373
- Bump go version 1.22.2 and imgpkg v0.42.0 by @rcmadhankumar in #378
🔈 Callouts
- @prashantrewar made their first contribution in #369
- @grokspawn made their first contribution in #370
- @mamachanko made their first contribution in #373
Full Changelog: v0.40.0...v0.40.1
📂 Files Checksum
3941cf7b7ba1219d574b93ce1bd8b77928ad9ff9cdf8e2debf3ae11ae695792f ./vendir-darwin-amd64
34974c9a6a6e32eb21adac47ce72df6340d36886b5ebe8b5937444a0d7ecc529 ./vendir-darwin-arm64
d7c602d8882085be78cd02a575a6c3b437bb2fa1ff1067712f593d8cf05c94fa ./vendir-linux-amd64
43e98922103ef30995a11bd4491b138b635c9b7bf17f98475fb5a06c87392e1d ./vendir-linux-arm64
7d240b999712e617021e057afeabf2803a89ab93ca91f44a58e063fa74d7eee3 ./vendir-windows-amd64.exe