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Resource conflict regression from v0.60.0 #1037




What steps did you take:

We are unable to use any version newer than v0.59.4 with app-deploy, failing with resource conflict (approved diff no longer matches).

By method of elimination we have tested following versions:

0.63.3: FAIL
0.62.1: FAIL
0.61.0: FAIL
0.60.2: FAIL
0.60.0: FAIL
0.59.4: SUCCESS

What happened:

We are deploying full cluster config from scratch via kapp app-deploy, in sum ~800 resources, within a single app. This works amazingly well with Kapp, way better than Helm!

However, since v0.60.0 on the first apply we encounter this error:

  - update daemonset/aws-node (apps/v1) namespace: kube-system: Failed to update due to resource conflict (approved diff no longer matches): Updating resource daemonset/aws-node (apps/v1) namespace: kube-system: API server says: Operation cannot be fulfilled on daemonsets.apps \"aws-node\": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again (reason: Conflict): Recalculated diff:
  3,  3 -   annotations:
  4,  3 -     deprecated.daemonset.template.generation: \"1\"
  9,  7 - Helm
 11,  8 - v1.19.0
 12,  8 - aws-vpc-cni-1.19.0
 14,  9 + \"1733129085919676830\"
 14, 10 + v1.ca251169611f162ef5186bbf4f512ca0
326,323 -   revisionHistoryLimit: 10
332,328 -       creationTimestamp: null
337,332 + \"1733129085919676830\"
337,333 + v1.ca251169611f162ef5186bbf4f512ca0
356,353 -                 - hybrid
357,353 -                 - auto
362,357 -         - name: ANNOTATE_POD_IP
363,357 -           value: \"false\"
384,377 -         - name: CLUSTER_NAME
385,377 -           value: o11n-eks-int-4151
399,390 -           value: \"false\"
400,390 +           value: \"true\"
402,393 +         - name: MINIMUM_IP_TARGET
402,394 +           value: \"25\"
405,398 -           value: v1.19.0
406,398 -         - name: VPC_ID
407,398 -           value: vpc-23837a4a
408,398 +           value: v1.18.2
409,400 -           value: \"1\"
410,400 +           value: \"0\"
410,401 +         - name: WARM_IP_TARGET
410,402 +           value: \"5\"
411,404 -           value: \"1\"
412,404 +           value: \"0\"
422,415 -         image:
423,415 -         imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
424,415 +         image:
431,423 -           failureThreshold: 3
433,424 -           periodSeconds: 10
434,424 -           successThreshold: 1
440,429 -           protocol: TCP
448,436 -           failureThreshold: 3
450,437 -           periodSeconds: 10
451,437 -           successThreshold: 1
455,440 -             cpu: 25m
456,440 +             cpu: 50m
456,441 +             memory: 80Mi
461,447 -         terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
462,447 -         terminationMessagePolicy: File
489,473 -         image:
490,473 -         imagePullPolicy: Always
491,473 +         image:
494,477 -             cpu: 25m
495,477 +             cpu: 50m
495,478 +             memory: 80Mi
500,484 -         terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
501,484 -         terminationMessagePolicy: File
511,493 -       dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
519,500 -         image:
520,500 -         imagePullPolicy: Always
521,500 +         image:
524,504 -             cpu: 25m
525,504 +             cpu: 50m
525,505 +             memory: 80Mi
527,508 -         terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
528,508 -         terminationMessagePolicy: File
533,512 -       restartPolicy: Always
534,512 -       schedulerName: default-scheduler
536,513 -       serviceAccount: aws-node
544,520 -           type: \"\"
548,523 -           type: \"\"
552,526 -           type: \"\"
568,541 -       maxSurge: 0

  - update daemonset/kube-proxy (apps/v1) namespace: kube-system: Failed to update due to resource conflict (approved diff no longer matches): Updating resource daemonset/kube-proxy (apps/v1) namespace: kube-system: API server says: Operation cannot be fulfilled on daemonsets.apps \"kube-proxy\": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again (reason: Conflict): Recalculated diff:
  3,  3 -   annotations:
  4,  3 -     deprecated.daemonset.template.generation: \"1\"
 10,  8 + \"1733129085919676830\"
 10,  9 + v1.5c5a114581f350e2b57df0ed7799471d
134,134 + \"1733129085919676830\"
134,135 + v1.5c5a114581f350e2b57df0ed7799471d
153,155 -                 - auto
159,160 -         - --hostname-override=$(NODE_NAME)
160,160 -         env:
161,160 -         - name: NODE_NAME
162,160 -           valueFrom:
163,160 -             fieldRef:
164,160 -               apiVersion: v1
165,160 -               fieldPath: spec.nodeName
166,160 -         image:
167,160 +         image:
171,165 -             cpu: 100m
172,165 +             cpu: 50m
172,166 +             memory: 45Mi

My assumption is that a webhook or a controller might interfere here with Kapp on certain fields.
However, we need to be able to configure the EKS cluster via Kapp even under a temporary clash.

What did you expect:
Kapp to retry


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bugThis issue describes a defect or unexpected behaviorcarvel acceptedThis issue should be considered for future work and that the triage process has been completedpriority/critical-urgentHighest priority. Must be actively worked on as someone's top priority right now.


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