- We've moved our git repos from the
org to thecarvel-dev
org. - The module path of a project to match that of the GitHub repo where it lives.
⚠️ We will rename the module names of all our tools; this is a breaking change for those who are depending on our tools as libraries/modules.
As a Developer using one or more Carvel tools as a module dependency
I want to know about the module rename ahead of time
And be clear about what I need to do to accommodate it
So that smoothly continue to enjoy using these tools instead of wasting time (and frustration) associated with discovering the source of a problem I didn't expect.
Acceptance Criteria
📘 Documentation
When I review the developer notes (e.g. docs/
) for ${tool}
Then I see a note about the module rename.
And I'm more like to understand what changed.
📣 Advanced Notice
Given I'm on a team known to use ${tool} as a module dependency
When The module rename occurs
Then I am aware of it, shortly after it occurs
And I'm clear what I need to do to proactively accommodate the rename.
🌟 New Dependency
Given I am not yet using a Carvel tool as a module
When I name it as a new dependency in my project and use it
$ go get${tool}
Then I successfully get that dependency (i.e. I see it in my go.mod
And I can import packages from that module
🏚 → 🏠 Migrating/Upgrading
Given I am already using a Carvel tool as a module
When I follow the instructions "upgrade" to the next version (which contains the module rename)
Then I successfully get the new dependency (i.e. I see it updated in my go.mod
And I can continue to import packages from that module in my own code
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