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Update Go Module Names for Migrated Repositories #689





  • We've moved our git repos from the vmware-tanzu org to the carvel-dev org.
  • The module path of a project to match that of the GitHub repo where it lives.
  • ⚠️ We will rename the module names of all our tools; this is a breaking change for those who are depending on our tools as libraries/modules.

As a Developer using one or more Carvel tools as a module dependency
I want to know about the module rename ahead of time
And be clear about what I need to do to accommodate it
So that smoothly continue to enjoy using these tools instead of wasting time (and frustration) associated with discovering the source of a problem I didn't expect.

Acceptance Criteria

📘 Documentation

When I review the developer notes (e.g. docs/ for ${tool}
Then I see a note about the module rename.
And I'm more like to understand what changed.


📣 Advanced Notice

Given I'm on a team known to use ${tool} as a module dependency
When The module rename occurs
Then I am aware of it, shortly after it occurs
And I'm clear what I need to do to proactively accommodate the rename.


🌟 New Dependency

Given I am not yet using a Carvel tool as a module
When I name it as a new dependency in my project and use it

$ go get${tool}

Then I successfully get that dependency (i.e. I see it in my go.mod)
And I can import packages from that module


🏚 → 🏠 Migrating/Upgrading

Given I am already using a Carvel tool as a module
When I follow the instructions "upgrade" to the next version (which contains the module rename)
Then I successfully get the new dependency (i.e. I see it updated in my go.mod)
And I can continue to import packages from that module in my own code





No one assigned


    carvel acceptedThis issue should be considered for future work and that the triage process has been completedenhancementThis issue is a feature request


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