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CNCF Annual Review of Carvel as a Sandbox Project #677




Sandbox projects are subject to an annual review by the TOC. This is intended to be a lightweight process to ensure that projects are on track, and getting the support they need. Process outlined here.

Your annual review should answer the following questions:

  • Include a link to your project’s devstats page. We will be looking for signs of consistent or increasing contribution activity. Please feel free to add commentary to add colour to the numbers and graphs we will see on devstats.
  • How many maintainers do you have, and which organisations are they from? (Feel free to link to an existing MAINTAINERS file if appropriate.)
    ---------> 10 (9 VMware, 1
  • What do you know about adoption, and how has this changed since your last review / since you joined Sandbox? If you can list companies that are adopters of your project, please do so. (Feel free to link to an existing ADOPTERS file if appropriate. Refer to the FAQs for more information on adopters.)
    ---------> Based on our conversation at KubeCon in Amsterdam, those that attend our community meetings, and those that contribute to the project, as well as those that add their details to our pinned issue and adopters file, we have several adopters, including Swisscom and, which we met in Amsterdam.
  • How has the project performed against its goals since the last review? (We won't penalize you if your goals changed for good reasons.)
  • What are the current goals of the project? For example, are you working on major new features? Or are you concentrating on adoption or documentation?
  • How can the CNCF help you achieve your upcoming goals?
  • Do you think that your project meets the criteria for incubation?

Example can be found here:




No one assigned


    carvel acceptedThis issue should be considered for future work and that the triage process has been completeddiscussionThis issue is not a bug or feature and a conversation is needed to find an appropriate resolutionpriority/critical-urgentHighest priority. Must be actively worked on as someone's top priority right now.


    No type


    • Status

      Prioritized Backlog


    No milestone


    None yet


    No branches or pull requests

    Issue actions