getting 'Your path.repo setting is not setup correctly.' even though value is set in elasticsearch.yml
Steps To Reproduce
List the steps to reproduce your problem:
- Open elasticvue
- Click on Snapshots or Repositories
- Get Your path.repo setting is not setup correctly.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Environment (please include the following information):
- Elasticsearch version: 2.3
- Operating system: RHEL/running ES under docker
- Browser + version: Chrome Version 96.0.4664.110
- Elasticvue version: 0.36.4
- How are you running elasticvue? (docker, browser extension, web app): browser extension
Additional context
I'm pretty aware that ES version is quite old, but it's a huge corp appl and there's a lot too coordinate to upgrade it, and the appl is actually being decoupled into minor pieces and it's probably going to be decomm by 3q22, until then...
cat elasticsearch.yml
path.repo: /snapshots