Application to help us manage stuff in our apartment
A cargo subcommand to preview your crate's readme file within your default browser in a near-pixel-perfect hot reloading mockup of the website.
carolbarbosa101 / patricktheodore-react-portfolio
Forked from patricktheodore/patricktheodore-react-portfolioMy Professional Portfolio - built with React, and Bootstrap CSS.
Google lighthouse stats of your website that you can put in readme
Django web app which helps you effectively practice your musical instrument. Currently not deployed (will be in the future), instructions to run locally in readme.
Aplication about football with react and typescript
Aplication with react and Nodejs
Simple React Native ToDoList app for goal tracking and skill practice, created to enhance productivity and serve as a coding example.
An simple portifólio idea for your job
Sistema gerencia uma empresa de limpeza e seus clientes e suas localidades
Web application that allows users to create and manage their task lists. The application consists of a responsive web page built in React and an API built in PHP Laravel to store and manage task li…
Website with form and time countdown for a challenge
Recreating the YouTube splash screen with reactJs
Aplicação completa usando React, React Native e NodeJS, gerenciamento e check list de atividades, metas e habitos
CRUD feito com Java. Sistema de agendamento de eventos.
Formulário de cadastramento de Ponto de Inclusão Digital
Usando PHP do jeito certo, seguindo recomendações (PSRs) e boas práticas de programação utilizando os melhores padrões de projeto e 100% de tecnologia moderna, desenvolvi aplicações reais com quali…
Restaurando o Cidades Digitais para uma versão anterior
Uma barra de progresso circular, com certeza faz muita diferença no design de um sistema!
Como implementar modo escuro super simples no seu sistema web
Teste Prático usando NuxtJS, TailwindCSS e MirageJS