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Rum Record Store: Are They Really Using It?

A repo containing several UI and server components showcasing Elastic User Experience Monitoring via JavaScript RUM and Java APM agents. Used to input sample user interaction data into an Elastic Observability dashboard.

This application provides the code examples for the talk Are They Really Using It?, presented at several conferences and meetups including:

  1. Lean Agile Scotland
  2. London Java Community
  3. Modern Frontends Live!
  4. Geekle Java Summit
  5. DevOps Days Birmingham
  6. React Live
  7. Codemotion Madrid



The server and React frontend components make use of Elastic APM and RUM agents respectively. These agents establish communication with the APM server which in turn pushes the events to Elasticsearch for visualisation in Kibana. The architecture is presented below:

Code Structure

This project comprises of several applications, visible within the apps folder:

  1. record-store-server-java: Java Spring Boot Webflux Application with Elastic Java APM and Elastic Distribution for Open Telemetry Java agent (or EDOT Java). The Spring Boot application checks for the otel.javaagent.configuration-file from the command line process and will attach the Elastic APM agent only if that value is null. Otherwise, the OTEL agent will run as per the vmArgs configuration. The sample commands for both approaches are in .vscode/launch.json.
  2. rum-records-react: JavaScript React UI, connected to record-store-server-node.
  3. rum-records-angular: Angular TypeScript UI, connected to record-store-server-java.
  4. record-store-server-node: Express server, with JavaScript and Typescript examples denoted by the js and ts postfixes respectively. The JS example uses the OTel Node.js agent, meanwhile the TS example uses the Elastic Node.js APM agent.

Each UI component also has a corresponding e2e, or end-to-end, testing suite, implemented using Cypress and postfixed with e2e. For example, the e2e suite for rum-records-react is rum-records-react-e2e.

Running Locally

Running the UI and server together requires starting both components via the below commands from the folder rum-records-store. Note that the npm install command only needs to be run on the first run to download local dependencies from npm.

React & Node.js (* denotes js or ts implementations)

cd apps/rum-records-react
npm run start

// Option 1: JavaScript
cd apps/record-store-server-node-js
npm run start

// Option 2: TypeScript
cd apps/record-store-server-node-ts
npm run start

The application will be available at http://localhost:3000/ by default unless you set an alternative port. In which case you will need to change the allowed origins on the Node.js backend. The React application connects to the Node.js application running at http://localhost:3333/. Please only run one of record-store-server-node-js or record-store-server-node-ts to prevent a port conflict as they both resolve to the same server!

Angular & Java* (*can also be triggered via VSCode config in launch.json)

cd apps/rum-records-angular
npm install
npm run start

cd apps/record-store-server-java

// Option 1: EDOT Java
// Ensure you have the required env variables as presented in .env-example
// Docker installation required
cd apps/record-store-server-java

// Option 2: Elastic APM Agent 
// Ensure you have the required env variables as commented in the script
cd apps/record-store-server-java

The Angular application running at http://localhost:4205/, as above we have specified the port option to avoid conflict with the React application. This frontend will connect to the Java server running at http://localhost:8080/. Please only run either the OTel or APM scripts to prevent a port conflict as they both resolve to the same server!

Running unit tests

Run npm run test to execute the unit tests for each component from their respective directories.

Running end-to-end tests

Both the React and Angular components have E2E test suites defined. Run npm run cy:run:<browser> to execute the end-to-end tests via Cypress using a particular browser (Chrome, Edge or Firefox).

For example, the E@E suite for rum-records-react, the main UI project, can be run via:

cd apps/rum-records-react
npm run cy:run:chrome

The --watch action opens the Cypress suite allowing for tests to be executed and debugged.

Note that each browser must be installed on your local machine for the task to succeed.

Further help

  1. Elastic User Experience Overview
  2. Elastic RUM Agent
  3. Open Telemetry
  4. Google Core Web Vitals
  5. GitHub: elastic-otel-java
  6. Revealing unknowns in your tracing data with inferred spans in OpenTelemetry | Elastic Observability Labs
  7. Announcing GA of Elastic distribution of the OpenTelemetry Java Agent | Elastic Observability Labs
  8. Elastic Observability Guide


Thanks to the individuals whose content has been used in the making of this app.

Image Credits


Record Store Application, using RUM with Elastic APM







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