This role manages downloading and invoking the bootstrap script from the Apigee servers that will install Apigee OPDK service manager.
This role installs the Apigee bootstrap. This role can use your Apigee provided account to login and download required packages. Additionally, this role also works with a local Apigee repo that is either deployed as a tarball or to an Nginx deployment to local data center.
Default values for these variables are provided by the role apigee-opdk-setup-default-settings. The variables used in this role are:
Variable Name | Description |
opdk_resources_path | Temporary staging folder for installation artifacts |
opdk_user_name | System user name. Set to apigee |
opdk_group_name | System group name. Set to apigee |
apigee_service | Path to apigee-service command |
bootstrap_script | Path to the bootstrap script |
opdk_version is Version of OPDK to install | |
apigee_repo_url | URL from which to download the bootstrap scripts |
apigee_repo_user | Apigee repository user name for |
apigee_repo_password | Apigee repository user password for |
apigee_repo_host | Apigee repository host that can be used for special releases. |
apigee_stage | Apigee artifact stage |
apigee_repo_protocol | Access protocol to the Apigee repo. Set to file for a local tarball or http for either online or local nginx served repo. |
http_proxy | HTTP Proxy url that should be used to get online |
https_proxy | HTTPS Proxy url that should be used to get online |
no_proxy | Domains or IPs that should not be proxied |
- apigee-opdk-setup-default-settings
- hosts: servers
- { role: apigee-opdk-setup-bootstrap }
Apache 2.0
Carlos Frias
This is not an officially supported Google product.
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