An early build of a service that collects and analyzes news articles. Done with and Indico.
Ugly as hell, I know. PRs welcome!
This is an MVP of the idea found here. Branched off from the original idea somewhat, mostly to make building this more doable in a 24 hour hackathon - vast majority of this was done at Brickhack 4.
You'll need API keys for both the NewsAPI and Indico. Once you have those, make the file ./lambda/environment.yml
NEWS_API_KEY: xxxxxxxxxx
INDICO_KEY: xxxxxxxxxx
Then install Serverless, and make sure you can deploy to AWS with AWS credentials setup in your bash_profile
To deploy:
cd lambda
npm install
sls deploy
This will display two different endpoints, the base of which should replace const BASE_URL
in news-aggregator-web/src/App.js
Note: Haven't got the frontend up and running anywhere - want to handle the rate limit issue for the Indico API before the site is publically available.