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=== More Privacy Options ===
Contributors: dsader
Donate link:
Tags: visibility, privacy, private blog, multisite, members only, network visibility, site visibility
Requires at least: 3.7.1
Tested up to: 4.6
Stable tag: Trunk
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Add more privacy(visibility) options to a WordPress Multisite Network. Settings->Reading->Visibility:Network Users, Blog Members, or Admins Only. Network Settings->Network Visibility Selector: All Blogs Visible to Network Users Only or Visibility managed per blog as default.

== Description ==
Adds three more levels of privacy(visibility) to the Settings-->Reading page.

1. Site visible to any logged in community member - "Network Users Only".

2. Site visible only to registered users of blog - "Site Members Only".

3. Site visible only to administrators - "Site Admins Only".

[Multisite]( Network Admin can set an override on site privacy at "Network Visibility Selector" on Network Settings page

Multisite Network Admin can set privacy options at Network-Sites-Edit under "Settings Tab" as well.

Network Admin receives an email when blog privacy changes.

RSS feeds require authentication.

robots.txt updates accordingly.

Ping sites filters correctly.

Privacy status reflected in Dashboard "Right Now" box.

Uses WP3+ functions auth_redirect(), network_home_url(), and home_url() for SSL login redirects.

Login message has link to sign-up page of a "Network Users Only" blog or a link the blog admin email if user is logged in but not a member of a "Members Only" blog.

Localization ready.

== Installation ==

This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

1. Upload entire `more-privacy-options` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Network Activate the plugin through the 'Network Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Set multisite "Network Visibility" option at Network-Settings page
4. Set individual site visibility options at Settings-Reading page, or...
5. Set individual site visibility options at Network Admin-Sites-Edit page

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

* Will this plugin also protect feeds? Yes.
* Will this plugin protect uploaded files and images? No.

== Screenshots ==

1. Settings Reading: Site Visibility Settings
2. Network Settings: Network Visibility Selector
3. Network Sites Edit: Site Settings(scroll way down to see)

== Changelog ==

= 4.6 =
* WP 4.6 tests OK, cleanup php notices

== Upgrade Notice ==
= 4.6 =
* WP 4.6 tests OK, cleanup php notices


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