otel-collector deployment is not updated properly during events #269
Bug Description
otel-collector deployment is not updated properly during config-changed
, relation-removed
and most events apart from the relation created. What this means it that:
- on config-changed, the image will not be updated in the deployment
- on removal of relations, we 'll still be able to see the created services and pod
To Reproduce
juju deploy knative-operator --channel latest/edge --trust
juju deploy knative-eventing --channel latest/edge --trust --config namespace="knative-eventing"
juju deploy knative-serving --channel latest/edge --trust --base ubuntu@20.04 --config namespace="knative-serving" --config istio.gateway.namespace="kubeflow" --config istio.gateway.name="kubeflow-gateway"
juju integrate knative-eventing:otel-collector knative-operator:otel-collector
juju integrate knative-serving:otel-collector knative-operator:otel-collector
# here the deployment should go up and metrics working
juju config knative-operator otel-collector-image="otel:fake-tag"
kubectl describe pod -n kubeflow otel-...
# you will see that it still has the previous image
juju remove-relation knative-operator knative-eventing
juju remove-relation knative-operator knative-serving
kubectl get svc -n kubeflow
kubectl get deploy -n kubeflow
# you will still see the observability resources there
microk8s 1.29, juju 3.6.1
Relevant Log Output
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