Python client implementation for Hazelcast, the open source in-memory data grid.
Python client is implemented using the Hazelcast Open Binary Client Protocol
This client is a work in progress
- Map
- MultiMap
- List
- Set
- Queue
- Topic
- Lock
- Semaphore
- AtomicLong
- AtomicReference
- IdGenerator
- CountDownLatch
- RingBuffer
- ReplicatedMap
- Transactional Map, MultiMap, Queue, List, Set
- Continuous Query(listener with predicate)
- Distributed Executor Service
- Query (Predicates)
- API configuration
- Smart and Non-Smart Client operation
- Event Listeners
- Lifecycle Service
- Hazelcast serialization for IdentifiedDataSerializable
- Hazelcast serialization for Portable -- IN PROGRESS
- Hazelcast serialization, Custom Serializers
- Hazelcast serialization, Global Serializers
You can install hazelcast python client via:
$ pip install hazelcast-python-client
$ python install
Please join the mail group if you are interested in using or developing Hazelcast.
Hazelcast is available under the Apache 2 License. Please see the Licensing appendix for more information.
Copyright (c) 2008-2016, Hazelcast, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Visit for more info.