for((i=1;i<=100;i++));do ./ | tail -2 ;done ./
An example input file is given below:
4 //Number of customers
2 //Number of tellers
5 //Number of simulation days
1 1234 1000 500
2 1235 2000 800
3 1237 4000 1500
4 1234 1000 200
5 1239 8250 900
6 1235 6000 1000
- The first three lines of the input file will have three integer values (in the given order):
Number of customers, number of tellers and number of simulation days.
2. The third line of the input file is followed by up to A lines (where A is the number of accounts) each of which has the following format:
< A_ID C_ID Amount DayLimit >
• Here A_ID is the account ID.
• C_ID is the customer ID.
• Amount is the amount of money in that account. (TL)
• DayLimit is the maximum amount that can be withdrawn from the account during a day
- As the first part of the log file, there should be a line of information in the log file in the
following format for each transaction:
< A_ID C_ID T_ID Operation Amount Simulation_Day >
A_ID : Account ID
C_ID : Customer ID
T_ID : Teller ID
Operation : Operation Type (View, Deposit, Withdraw, Transfer)
Amount : Amount of money in that account.
Simulation_Day : The day of the operation. - The second part of the log file gives
a. Current balance for each customer,
b. Number of transactions performed by each customer and teller,
c. Total cash of the bank.
• Each customer and teller as a separate thread. The initial main
thread is responsible for creating customer/teller threads, managing them, and
displaying the final results as soon as the simulation completes.
• Shared resources among multiple customers/tellers (i.e. threads) are bank
accounts. Preserving consistency and preventing deadlocks are major issues.
• Pick the number of operations and operation types to be performed
by each customer/teller in random manner in simulation.
• The total simulation time is D days. All the transactions within that period will be logged
in a file.
• There are C customers and T tellers with unique IDs used by the bank system. Accounts
also have unique IDs.
• Number of simulation days, customers and tellers would be taken from the input file.
Input file format is described above.
• 10 seconds correspond to one simulation day.
• All tellers know the IDs of all the customers. These tellers have all access rights on the
accounts of all customers.
• A customer can only access to her/his own accounts for view/withdrawal, but can access
to other accounts for deposit/money transfer to them.
• The bank has a limitation for the money withdrawal during a day from each account. In
total, a customer can not withdraw more than the given limit for her/his account during
a day. However, there is no such limit for money transfers between accounts since the
transfers are internal to the bank.
• There can be maximum 3 operations on an account during a day.
• Each customer can have at most 3 accounts on a bank.
• In implementation of money transfer operation, a solution for
deadlock prevention is taken into account.
• Multiple simultaneous view operations (i.e. reads) on an account should be allowed in
synchronization solution. However the other operations, deposit, withdrawal and
transfer (i.e. updates), should be performed in a mutually exclusive way.
• Number of customers, tellers, simulation days, amount of money in each account and
limitation for the money withdrawal during a day would be taken from the input file
(based on the format given at the next page).
• When the simulation is finished for the given number of days, the following should be
available in a log file.