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Databricks framework to validate Data Quality of pySpark DataFrames


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Databricks Labs DQX

Simplified Data Quality checking at Scale for PySpark Workloads on streaming and standard DataFrames.

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Current data quality frameworks often fall short in providing detailed explanations for specific row or column data quality issues and are primarily designed for complete datasets, making integration into streaming workloads difficult.

This project introduces a simple Python validation framework for assessing data quality of PySpark DataFrames. It enables real-time quality validation during data processing rather than relying solely on post-factum monitoring. The validation output includes detailed information on why specific rows and columns have issues, allowing for quicker identification and resolution of data quality problems.


Invalid data can be quarantined to make sure bad data is never written to the output.


In the Lakehouse architecture, the validation of new data should happen at the time of data entry into the Curated Layer to make sure bad data is not propagated to the subsequent layers. With DQX you can easily quarantine invalid data and re-ingest it after curation to ensure that data quality constraints are met.


For monitoring the data quality of already persisted data in a Delta table (post-factum monitoring), we recommend to use Databricks Lakehouse Monitoring.

Key Capabilities

  • Info of why a check has failed.
  • Data format agnostic (works on Spark DataFrames).
  • Support for Spark Batch and Streaming including DLT (Delta Live Tables).
  • Different reactions on failed checks, e.g. drop, mark, or quarantine invalid data.
  • Support for check levels: warning (mark) or errors (mark and don't propagate the rows).
  • Support for quality rules at row and column level.
  • Profiling and generation of data quality rules candidates.
  • Checks definition as code or config.
  • Validation summary and data quality dashboard for identifying and tracking data quality issues.


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The project can be installed on a Databricks workspace or used as a standalone library.

Installation as Library

Install the project via pip:

pip install databricks-labs-dqx

Installation in a Databricks Workspace


Once you install Databricks CLI, authenticate your current machine to your Databricks Workspace:

databricks auth login --host <WORKSPACE_HOST>

To enable debug logs, simply add --debug flag to any command. More about authentication options here.

Install DQX in the Databricks workspace

Install DQX in your Databricks workspace via Databricks CLI:

databricks labs install dqx

You'll be prompted to select a configuration profile created by databricks auth login command, and other configuration options.

The cli command will install the following components in the workspace:

  • A Python wheel file with the library packaged.
  • DQX configuration file ('config.yml').
  • Profiling workflow for generating quality rule candidates.
  • Quality dashboard for monitoring to display information about the data quality issues.

DQX configuration file can contain multiple run configurations defining specific set of input, output and quarantine locations etc. During the installation the "default" run configuration is created. You can add additional run configurations after the installation by editing the 'config.yml' file in the installation directory on the Databricks workspace:

log_level: INFO
- name: default
  checks_file: checks.yml
  curated_location: main.dqx.curated
  input_location: main.dqx.input
  output_location: main.dqx.output
  profile_summary_stats_file: profile_summary_stats.yml
  quarantine_location: main.dqx.quarantine
- name: another_run_config

To select a specific run config when executing the dqx labs cli commands use --run-config parameter. When not provided the "default" run config is used.

By default, DQX is installed in the user home directory (under /Users/<user>/.dqx). You can also install DQX globally by setting 'DQX_FORCE_INSTALL' environment variable. The following options are available:

  • DQX_FORCE_INSTALL=global databricks labs install dqx: will force the installation to be for root only (/Applications/dqx)
    • DQX_FORCE_INSTALL=user databricks labs install dqx: will force the installation to be for user only (/Users/<user>/.dqx)

To list all installed dqx workflows in the workspace and their latest run state, execute the following command:

databricks labs dqx workflows

Install the tool on the Databricks cluster

After you install the tool on the workspace, you need to install the DQX package on a Databricks cluster. You can install the DQX library either from PYPI or use a wheel file generated as part of the installation in the workspace.

There are multiple ways to install libraries in a Databricks cluster (see here). For example, you can install DQX directly from a notebook cell as follows:

# using PYPI package:
%pip install databricks-labs-dqx

# using wheel file, DQX installed for the current user:
%pip install /Workspace/Users/<user-name>/.dqx/wheels/databricks_labs_dqx-*.whl

# using wheel file, DQX installed globally:
%pip install /Applications/dqx/wheels/databricks_labs_dqx-*.whl

Restart the kernel after the package is installed in the notebook:

# in a separate cell run:

Upgrade DQX in the Databricks workspace

Verify that DQX is installed:

databricks labs installed

Upgrade DQX via Databricks CLI:

databricks labs upgrade dqx

Uninstall DQX from the Databricks workspace

Uninstall DQX via Databricks CLI:

databricks labs uninstall dqx

Databricks CLI will confirm a few options:

  • Whether you want to remove all dqx artefacts from the workspace as well. Defaults to 'no'.

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How to use it


After the installation of the tool in the workspace, you can upload the following notebooks in the Databricks workspace to try it out:

Data Profiling and Quality Rules Generation

Data profiling is run to profile the input data and generate quality rule candidates with summary statistics. The generated rules/checks are input for the quality checking (see Adding quality checks to the application). In addition, the DLT generator can be used to generated native Delta Live Tables (DLT) expectations.

In Python

Profiling and generating DQX rules/checks:

from databricks.labs.dqx.profiler.profiler import DQProfiler
from databricks.labs.dqx.profiler.generator import DQGenerator
from databricks.labs.dqx.profiler.dlt_generator import DQDltGenerator
from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient

df ="catalog1.schema1.table1")

ws = WorkspaceClient()
profiler = DQProfiler(ws)
summary_stats, profiles = profiler.profile(df)

# generate DQX quality rules/checks
generator = DQGenerator(ws)
checks = generator.generate_dq_rules(profiles)  # with default level "error"

# generate DLT expectations
dlt_generator = DQDltGenerator(ws)
dlt_expectations = dlt_generator.generate_dlt_rules(profiles)

Using CLI

You must install DQX in the workspace before (see installation). As part of the installation, profiler workflow is installed. It can be run manually in the workspace UI or using the CLI as below.

Run profiler workflow:

databricks labs dqx profile --run-config "default"

You will find the generated quality rule candidates and summary statistics in the installation folder as defined in the run config. If run config is not provided, the "default" run config will be used. The run config is used to select specific run configuration from the 'config.yml'.

The following DQX configuration from 'config.yml' are used:

  • 'input_location': input data as a path or a table.
  • 'input_format': input data format. Required if input data is a path.
  • 'checks_file': relative location of the generated quality rule candidates (default: checks.yml).
  • 'profile_summary_stats_file': relative location of the summary statistics (default: profile_summary.yml).

Logs are be printed in the console and saved in the installation folder. To show the saved logs from the latest profiler workflow run, visit the Databricks workspace UI or execute the following command:

databricks labs dqx logs --workflow profiler

Validating quality rules (checks)

If you manually adjust the generated rules or create your own configuration, you can validate them before using:

In Python

from databricks.labs.dqx.engine import DQEngine

status = DQEngine.validate_checks(checks)

The checks validated automatically when applied as part of the apply_checks_by_metadata_and_split and apply_checks_by_metadata methods (see Quality rules defined as config).

Using CLI

Validate checks stored in the installation folder:

databricks labs dqx validate-checks --run-config "default"

The following DQX configuration from 'config.yml' will be used by default:

  • 'checks_file': relative location of the quality rule (default: checks.yml).

Adding quality checks to the application

Quality rules defined as config

Quality rules can be stored in yaml or json file. Below an example yaml file defining checks ('checks.yml'):

- criticality: error
    function: is_not_null
      - col1
      - col2
- name: col_col3_is_null_or_empty
  criticality: error
    function: is_not_null_and_not_empty
      col_name: col3
- criticality: warn
    function: value_is_in_list
      col_name: col4
      - 1
      - 2


  • criticality: either "error" (data going only into "bad/quarantine" dataframe) or "warn" (data going into both dataframes).
  • check: column expression containing "function" (check function to apply), "arguments" (check function arguments), and "col_name" (column name as str to apply to check for) or "col_names" (column names as array to apply the check for).
  • (optional) name for the check: autogenerated if not provided.

Loading and execution methods

Method 1: load checks from a workspace file in the installation folder

If the tool is installed in the workspace, the config contains path to the checks file:

from databricks.labs.dqx.engine import DQEngine
from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient

dq_engine = DQEngine(WorkspaceClient())

# use check file specified in the default run configuration in the global installation config ('config.yml')
# can optionally specify the run config and whether to use user installation
checks = dq_engine.load_checks_from_installation(assume_user=True)

# Option 1: apply quality rules on the dataframe and provide valid and invalid (quarantined) dataframes 
valid_df, quarantined_df = dq_engine.apply_checks_by_metadata_and_split(input_df, checks)

# Option 2: apply quality rules on the dataframe and report issues as additional columns (`_warning` and `_error`)
valid_and_quarantined_df = dq_engine.apply_checks_by_metadata(input_df, checks)

Check are validated automatically as part of the apply_checks_by_metadata_and_split and apply_checks_by_metadata methods.

Method 2: load checks from a workspace file

The checks can also be loaded from any file in the Databricks workspace:

from databricks.labs.dqx.engine import DQEngine
from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient

dq_engine = DQEngine(WorkspaceClient())
checks = dq_engine.load_checks_from_workspace_file("/Shared/App1/checks.yml")

# Option 1: apply quality rules on the dataframe and provide valid and invalid (quarantined) dataframes 
valid_df, quarantined_df = dq_engine.apply_checks_by_metadata_and_split(input_df, checks)

# Option 2: apply quality rules on the dataframe and report issues as additional columns (`_warning` and `_error`)
valid_and_quarantined_df = dq_engine.apply_checks_by_metadata(input_df, checks)

Method 3: load checks from a local file

The checks can also be loaded from a file in the local file system:

from databricks.labs.dqx.engine import DQEngine
from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient

checks = DQEngine.load_checks_from_local_file("checks.yml")
dq_engine = DQEngine(WorkspaceClient())

# Option 1: apply quality rules on the dataframe and provide valid and invalid (quarantined) dataframes 
valid_df, quarantined_df = dq_engine.apply_checks_by_metadata_and_split(input_df, checks)

# Option 2: apply quality rules on the dataframe and report issues as additional columns (`_warning` and `_error`)
valid_and_quarantined_df = dq_engine.apply_checks_by_metadata(input_df, checks)

Quality rules defined as code

Method 1: using DQX classes

from databricks.labs.dqx.col_functions import is_not_null, is_not_null_and_not_empty, value_is_in_list
from databricks.labs.dqx.engine import DQEngine, DQRuleColSet, DQRule
from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient

dq_engine = DQEngine(WorkspaceClient())

checks = DQRuleColSet( # define rule for multiple columns at once
            columns=["col1", "col2"], 
            check_func=is_not_null).get_rules() + [
         DQRule( # define rule for a single column
         DQRule( # name auto-generated if not provided       
            check=value_is_in_list('col4', ['1', '2']))

# Option 1: apply quality rules on the dataframe and provide valid and invalid (quarantined) dataframes 
valid_df, quarantined_df = dq_engine.apply_checks_and_split(input_df, checks)

# Option 2: apply quality rules on the dataframe and report issues as additional columns (`_warning` and `_error`)
valid_and_quarantined_df = dq_engine.apply_checks(input_df, checks)

See details of the check functions here.

Method 2: using yaml config

import yaml
from databricks.labs.dqx.engine import DQEngine
from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient

dq_engine = DQEngine(WorkspaceClient())

checks = yaml.safe_load("""
- criticality: "error"
    function: "is_not_null"
        - "col1"
        - "col2"

- criticality: "error"
    function: "is_not_null_and_not_empty"
      col_name: "col3"

- criticality: "warn"
    function: "value_is_in_list"
      col_name: "col4"
        - 1
        - 2

# Option 1: apply quality rules on the dataframe and provide valid and invalid (quarantined) dataframes 
valid_df, quarantined_df = dq_engine.apply_checks_by_metadata_and_split(input_df, checks)

# Option 2: apply quality rules on the dataframe and report issues as additional columns (`_warning` and `_error`)
valid_and_quarantined_df = dq_engine.apply_checks_by_metadata(input_df, checks)

See details of the check functions here.

Integration with DLT (Delta Live Tables)

DLT provides expectations to enforce data quality constraints. However, expectations don't offer detailed insights into why certain checks fail. The example below demonstrates how to integrate DQX checks with DLT to provide comprehensive information on why quality checks failed. The integration does not use expectations but the DQX checks directly.

Option 1: apply quality rules and quarantine bad records

import dlt
from databricks.labs.dqx.engine import DQEngine
from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient

dq_engine = DQEngine(WorkspaceClient())

checks = ... # quality rules / checks

def bronze_dq_check():
  df = dlt.read_stream("bronze")
  return dq_engine.apply_checks_by_metadata(df, checks)

def silver():
  df = dlt.read_stream("bronze_dq_check")
  # get rows without errors or warnings, and drop auxiliary columns
  return dq_engine.get_valid(df)

def quarantine():
  df = dlt.read_stream("bronze_dq_check")
  # get only rows with errors or warnings
  return dq_engine.get_invalid(df)

Option 2: apply quality rules as additional columns (_warning and _error)

import dlt
from databricks.labs.dqx.engine import DQEngine
from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient

checks = ... # quality rules / checks
dq_engine = DQEngine(WorkspaceClient())

def bronze_dq_check():
  df = dlt.read_stream("bronze")
  return dq_engine.apply_checks_by_metadata(df, checks)

def silver():
  df = dlt.read_stream("bronze_dq_check")
  return df

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Quality rules / functions

The following quality rules / functions are currently available:

Check Description Arguments
is_not_null Check if input column is not null col_name: column name to check
is_not_empty Check if input column is not empty col_name: column name to check
is_not_null_and_not_empty Check if input column is not null or empty col_name: column name to check; trim_strings: boolean flag to trim spaces from strings
value_is_in_list Check if the provided value is present in the input column. col_name: column name to check; allowed: list of allowed values
value_is_not_null_and_is_in_list Check if provided value is present if the input column is not null col_name: column name to check; allowed: list of allowed values
is_in_range Check if input column is in the provided range (inclusive of both boundaries) col_name: column name to check; min_limit: min limit; max_limit: max limit
is_not_in_range Check if input column is not within defined range (inclusive of both boundaries) col_name: column name to check; min_limit: min limit value; max_limit: max limit value
not_less_than Check if input column is not less than the provided limit col_name: column name to check; limit: limit value
not_greater_than Check if input column is not greater than the provided limit col_name: column name to check; limit: limit value
not_in_future Check if input column defined as date is not in the future (future defined as current_timestamp + offset) col_name: column name to check; offset: offset to use; curr_timestamp: current timestamp, if not provided current_timestamp() function is used
not_in_near_future Check if input column defined as date is not in the near future (near future defined as grater than current timestamp but less than current timestamp + offset) col_name: column name to check; offset: offset to use; curr_timestamp: current timestamp, if not provided current_timestamp() function is used
is_older_than_n_days Check if input column is older than n number of days col_name: column name to check; days: number of days; curr_date: current date, if not provided current_date() function is used
is_older_than_col2_for_n_days Check if one column is not older than another column by n number of days col_name1: first column name to check; col_name2: second column name to check; days: number of days
regex_match Check if input column matches a given regex col_name: column name to check; regex: regex to check; negate: if the condition should be negated (true) or not
sql_expression Check if input column is matches the provided sql expression, eg. a = 'str1', a > b expression: sql expression to check; msg: optional message to output; name: optional name of the resulting column; negate: if the condition should be negated

You can check implementation details of the rules here.

Creating your own checks

Use sql expression

If a check that you need does not exist in DQX, you can define them using sql expression rule (sql_expression), for example:

- criticality: "error"
    function: "sql_expression"
      expression: "col1 LIKE '%foo'"
      msg: "col1 ends with 'foo'"

Sql expression is also useful if you want to make cross-column validation, for example:

- criticality: "error"
    function: "sql_expression"
      expression: "a > b"
      msg: "a is greater than b"

Define custom check functions

If you need a reusable check or need to implement a more complicated logic you can define your own check functions. A check is a function available from 'globals' that returns pyspark.sql.Column, for example:

import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.sql import Column
from databricks.labs.dqx.col_functions import make_condition

def ends_with_foo(col_name: str) -> Column:
    column = F.col(col_name)
    return make_condition(column.endswith("foo"), f"Column {col_name} ends with foo", f"{col_name}_ends_with_foo")

Then you can use the function as a check:

import yaml
from databricks.labs.dqx.engine import DQEngine
from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient
from databricks.labs.dqx.col_functions import *

checks = yaml.safe_load("""
- criticality: "error"
    function: "ends_with_foo"
      col_name: "col1"

dq_engine = DQEngine(WorkspaceClient())

# Option 1: apply quality rules on the dataframe and provide valid and invalid (quarantined) dataframes 
valid_df, quarantined_df = dq_engine.apply_checks_by_metadata_and_split(input_df, checks, globals())

# Option 2: apply quality rules on the dataframe and report issues as additional columns (`_warning` and `_error`)
valid_and_quarantined_df = dq_engine.apply_checks_by_metadata(input_df, checks, globals())

You can see all existing DQX checks here.

Feel free to submit a PR to DQX with your own check so that other can benefit from it (see contribution guide).

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See contribution guidance here on how to contribute to the project (build, test, and submit a PR).

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Project Support

Please note that this project is provided for your exploration only and is not formally supported by Databricks with Service Level Agreements (SLAs). They are provided AS-IS, and we do not make any guarantees of any kind. Please do not submit a support ticket relating to any issues arising from the use of this project.

Any issues discovered through the use of this project should be filed as GitHub Issues on this repository. They will be reviewed as time permits, but no formal SLAs for support exist.


Databricks framework to validate Data Quality of pySpark DataFrames







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  • Python 99.8%
  • Makefile 0.2%