LetsSail is React and Unity-based game to teach people how to sail. This project was developed with credits to the following assets:
J-80 Sailboat, a 3D sailboat model
Quick Outline, a Unity Asset used to outline objects
LowPoly Survival Character Rio, a humanoid Unity Asset
Storm-Breakers, a Unity package used to simulate the ocean
Fantasy Landscape, a Unity Asset used for landscapes
48px Gesture Icons, a Figma design file used for our UI buttons
Doktor, a Next.js template which provided the inspiration for the website
We also used the following technologies (and highly recommend them!):
- Mixamo, to animate the humanoid model
- Chakra UI, for UI components
- React Unity WebGL, to communicate to and from WebGL to React
- Blender, to manipulate the sailboat model
- React Router, to build the website
Upon cloning this repository, references to any licensed Unity assets (mentioned in the section above above) in the Unity scenes will result in a reference error. Please download your own copy of these assets and replace them in the scenes as needed.
For more information on the React app specifically, please refer to
React App/letssail/README.md
We owe a special thanks to the following people for their expertise and insights: