This is an open-source project guide for learning Python Programming Language .
Fork it and create separate branches/folders for each day.
Start by installing Python and a text editor. Learn the basics of Python, such as: variables, data types, Math Operators, Comments, Input() function, Print() function, The str(), int(), and float() Functions
Simple Python Calculator Program: Write a simple program that does basic math operations including addition, subtraction, deletion, division, power, squareroot,etc,.
Learn how to use control flow statements like if-else statements, Switch-Case Statement,Logical Operators (and, OR), Boolean operators and comparisonooperations such as <, >, !==, ==, etc
Advanced Calculator Program: Simple Calculator Create a simple calculator program that performs basic arithmetic operations based on user input. Display a menu with the following options: a. Addition (+) b. Subtraction (-) c. Multiplication (*) d. Division (/) e. Exit Prompt the user to choose an option by entering the corresponding letter (a, b, c, d, or e). If the user chooses an arithmetic operation (a, b, c, or d), prompt the user to enter two numbers. Perform the selected arithmetic operation on the entered numbers and display the result. If the user chooses "Exit" (e), end the program. If the user enters an invalid option, display an error message and return to the menu. Repeat steps 2-6 until the user chooses to exit.
Classes, Inheritance, Objects
Excel files, csv files, text files