This is a plugin for the music management tool beets.
This plugin provides a simple REST API for your music library.
The API is similar to the API provided by the official beets web plugin. In contrast to the web plugin this plugin does not provide a web interface though. With this plugin I addressed some issues in the official web plugin's api that made it unusable for me.
The table below shows all interfaces currently provided by the API:
Method | Path | Description | Parameters | Response Type |
GET | /items | Get a list of all items matching a certain query | query: A beets query |
application/json |
GET | /item/{itemId}/file | Download the audio file for an item | - | application/octet-stream |
GET | /item/{itemId}/art | Download the cover art for an item. | size (optional): If provided returns the image with a resolution of size x size |
image/jpeg |
pip install beets-rest-api
Edit your beets configuration file and add the following section:
host: # The IP address the web server should bind to
port: 8338 # The port the web server should bind to
Also add restapi to the plugins section.
You can start the plugin by running:
beet restapi
This will start a web server and block the command execution. If you want to run it in the background you can run it this way instead:
beet restapi &>/dev/null & # Unix
If the web server should always run you can add this code to a script file and add it to the autostart (Windows), crontab (Unix) or any other way of running a script on system startup.