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⛓️RuleGo is a lightweight, high-performance, embedded, next-generation component orchestration rule engine framework for Go.
为 Solidity 智能合约编写中文注释
4年打磨-2022年海外一线大厂-以太坊开发教程(a solidity tutorial makes you a dapp expert)WIP
A simple financial trading matching engine. Built to learn more about how they work.
收集加密货币相关的项目资源列表(Collect a list of resources related to cryptocurrency open-source projects))
开源数字货币交易所,基于Java开发的比特币交易所 | BTC交易所 | ETH交易所 | 数字货币交易所 | 交易平台 | 撮合交易引擎。本项目基于SpringCloud微服务开发,可用来搭建和二次开发数字货币交易所,有完整的撮合交易引擎源码、后台管理(后端+前端)、前台(交易页面、活动页面、个人中心等)、安卓APP源码、苹果APP源码、币种钱包RPC源码。联系QQ:877070886
DeFi Developer roadmap is a curated Developer handbook which includes a list of the best tools for DApps development, resources and references!
A multi-cryptocurrency HD wallet implementated by Golang.
Source code of 2023 ITHome Ironman Challenge
Blazing fast multiple Ethereum and Crypto vanity wallet generator💰 Generate a ten thousand beautiful crypto wallets in a sec ⚡️🎨 Awesome ethereum vanity address generator🤩
A cross-platform SPV (DCR, BTC & LTC) privacy wallet built with go.
Blockchain demo based on golang 基于golang编写的区块链公链demo
Cryptocurrency wallet for trading for Bitcoin, Bitcoin cash, Ethereum, ERC20, Ripple
go 常用加密解密库/go encrypt or decrypt pkg(RSA/SM2/ECDSA/EC-GDSA/Gost/ElGamal/AES/DES/TripleDes/SM4/Tea/Twofish)
A golang implementation of a console-based trading bot for cryptocurrency exchanges
使用go语言创建一个简单的本地区块链钱包插件,可以在浏览器插件使用。本插件功能包括区块模块、区块链模块、账户模块、交易模块和钱包构建模块。区块模块包括对区块数据结构的构建 ,例如随机数生成、区块时间戳、区块号、区块难度、夫区块哈希、本区块哈希、本区块交易数量。区块链模块包括区块链数据结构、区块链查询、和挖矿。功能例如将新的交易加入交易池、从交易池中删除已经被确认的交易等、根据区块ID输出该区…