Docker compose of collections explorer core (Django API container, mySQL container, nginx container) Nginx depends on Django web, Django web relies on mySQL
Docker Compose version v2.26.1-desktop.1 Docker Engine - Community version 27.2.0
Things to modify before build:
(Request from @zhucchininoodles)
- add .env file to root of Django project folder: explorer-core/.env
- create a static folder in collections_app_api folder; add your static files/scans (example file casxlogo.png included)
There is a shell script to make building and starting more convenient:
./ up
This will build the project with project label galapagateway_api
The same shell script can be used to stop and remove the Docker containers, volumes, builder cache:
./ down
...And to occassionally, fully prune Docker resources and builder cache/layers tied to this project:
./ prune
Should only prune resources related to this project only. DO double-check before cleaning.....
Still tweaking "cleanup" part of
API runs on after successful deployment.
Visit to view API document (/collections_app_api/collections_schema.yaml).
Static files served through nginx on Add scan files under /collections_app_api/static/ within a subfolder. e.g. If you want to add scan files of HERP8141, path would look like: /collections_app_api/static/HERP8141/scanfile1.GLB
This api is hosted as Cloud Run container on Google Cloud Platform. The project is named galapagateway
After installing the gcloud cli and authenticating, you can build the docker image on remote:
gcloud builds submit --tag --project galapagateway .
Once the build is complete, update the service to run that container:
gcloud run deploy --image --project galapagateway --region us-central1 api-stage
Note the container region is us-central1
. The public endpoint is
Pre-existing Occurrences records of collectionsdb can be changed/modified, or new occurrences can be created and added from JSON derived from GBIF (/api/gbif/{collectionCode}{catalogNumber}, e.g. /api/gbif/HERP8141), through the Django admin panel,
Contact @zhucchininoodles for API admin login credentials.