RediSearchCore is a .Net Core project for easly integration with RediSearch.
Firstly, Redis and RediSearch need to be installed.
You can download Redis from, and check out installation instructions here. Alternatively, on macOS or Linux you can install via Homebrew.
To install RediSearch check out,
Once you have RediSearch built, if you are not using Docker, you can update your
redis.conf file to always load the RediSearch module with
loadmodule /path/to/
. (On macOS the redis.conf file can be found
at /usr/local/etc/redis.conf
docker run -p 6379:6379 redislabs/redisearch:latest
After Redis and RediSearch are up and running, you can choose your best option to run this project:
You can pull direcly from Docker Hub (
docker run -e redisConnection="redisearch server" -p 80:80 caioarruda/redisearchcore:latest
You need to install .Net Core 3.1 SDK:
And then, run this command in RediSearchCore sub-folder:
dotnet restore
dotnet publish -c Release
To build this project in docker, run this command in solution folder:
docker build -t caiomarruda/redisearchcore:latest .
Use the ports 80 or 443(SSL) to run this project. All API documentation are available in Swagger UI.
You can also run this project using Play With Docker for free.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
StackExchange.Redis by Marc Gravell
NRediSearch by Marc Gravell
Newtonsoft.Json by James Newton-King
Swashbuckle (Swagger) by SmartBear Software