This project is a attempt to create a simple idiom to make explict partitioning of SQL statements
The project is intended only to retrieve data from the database.
Make a SQL statement with named style parameters with the rules above:
- :param_[name]: This idiom is used to hint a dynamic parameter without parallel hint
- :param_[name]_PARALLEL : This idiom is used to hint a parameter with parallel hint
A SQL statement example:
FROM table
WHERE val_1 = :param_1 and val_2 = :param_2_PARALLEL
The example above use 2 dynamic parameters, :param_1 is a normal named parameter and :param_2_PARALLEL is intented to execute in parallel with a list of values
The python code:
from parallel_queries import make_statement_partitions
stmt = """
FROM table
WHERE val_1 = :param_1 and val_2 = :param_2_PARALLEL
result = make_statement_partitions(stmt, {'param_1': val_param_1, 'param_2_PARALLEL': list_param_2}, n_jobs=4)
Note¹: the remove of ':' in the keys of the dict parameters