This tool regenerates the original masterusername password for an AWS Relational Database Service Instance originally created by the PCF Service Broker for AWS provided a service instance guid and master salt key.
Please see Pivotal knowledge base on this tool here:
Usage: passGen -i [--identity] -s [--salt] -d [--database-type]
Only one service name can be provided.
passGen [-flags] [flags]
-d --database-type Type of database
-h, --help help for passGen
-i, --identity string Service instance identity
-s, --salt string Master salt key
Database Type Valid Values:
mysql, postgres, sqlServer, mariadb, aurora, oracle
Standard security recommendations apply to distribution of the generated password.
This tool is provided as a general service and is not under any official supported capacity. There is no implied or guaranteed warranty or statement of support.
Released under MIT license, copyright 2018 Tyler Ramer