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I have a ffa map that i know 99% sure that theres a way out through the barriers somewhere, but when i tried using baritone to find a way to the netherite block i placed outside of the wall, it failed. i then tried purposely removing blocks 2 blocks of the wall around 20 blocks off the ground, but even though block placing is allowed and block placing penaltys are all 0, it didnt find the hole and instead just walked up to the wall near the block and said that it couldnt find a path. when i tried standing right next to the hole on a tree and then using the command, it worked so thats not the issue either. how can i configure baritone to find paths even if it needs to stack up to get there, or just allow it to use fly?
##Final checklist
- I know how to properly use check boxes
- I have not used any OwO's or UwU's in this issue.