requestgen generates the cascade call for your request object
go install
scans all the fields of the target struct, and generate setter
methods and getParameters method.
package api
import ""
//go:generate requestgen -type PlaceOrderRequest
type PlaceOrderRequest struct {
// client is an optional field to implement.
// If the API needs authentication, the client type should be `AuthenticatedAPIClient`. Otherwise, `APIClient`.
// The `Do()` method will be generated if the client field is provided.
// note, you will have to add flag "-url" and "-method" to specify your endpoint and the request method.
client requestgen.AuthenticatedAPIClient
// A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
clientOrderID *string `param:"clientOid,required" defaultValuer:"uuid()"`
symbol string `param:"symbol,required"`
// A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 8 characters.
tag *string `param:"tag"`
// "buy" or "sell"
side SideType `param:"side,required" validValues:"buy,sell"`
orderType OrderType `param:"ordType" validValues:"limit,market"`
size string `param:"size"`
// limit order parameters
price *string `param:"price,omitempty"`
timeInForce *TimeInForceType `param:"timeInForce,omitempty" validValues:"GTC,GTT,FOK"`
complexArg ComplexArg `param:"complexArg"`
startTime *time.Time `param:"startTime,milliseconds" defaultValuer:"now()"`
Or you can run generate command manually like this:
go run ./cmd/requestgen -type PlaceOrderRequest -method GET -url "/api/v1/bullet" -debug ./example/api
Then you can do:
req := &PlaceOrderRequest{}
err := req.Tag(..).
See the generated example
See the real world application
You can use the slug
attribute to embed the parameter into the url:
//go:generate GetRequest -url "/api/v1/accounts/:accountID" -type NewGetAccountRequest -responseDataType []Account
type NewGetAccountRequest struct {
client requestgen.AuthenticatedAPIClient
accountID string `param:"accountID,slug"`
-responseType [responseTypeSelector]
When responseTypeSelector
is not given, interface{}
will be used for decoding the response content from the API server.
You can define your own responseType struct that can decode the API response, like this, e.g.,
type Response struct {
Code string `json:"code"`
Message string `json:"msg"`
CurrentPage int `json:"currentPage"`
PageSize int `json:"pageSize"`
TotalNum int `json:"totalNum"`
TotalPage int `json:"totalPage"`
Orders []Orders `json:"orders"`
And then use the type selector like this:
# if the type is in a relative package
requestgen ... -responseType '"./example/api".Response'
# if the type is in the same package
requestgen ... -responseType '".".Response'
When using requestgen with go:generate, you should handle the quote escaping for the type selector, for example:
//go:generate requestgen -type PlaceOrderRequest -responseType "\".\".Response" -responseDataField Data -responseDataType "\".\"Order"
But don't worry about the escaping, the above selector can be simplified as:
//go:generate requestgen -type PlaceOrderRequest -responseType .Response -responseDataField Data -responseDataType .Order
If you want to reference a type defined in an external package, you can pass
something like "net/url".Response
as the type selector, but it needs to be
escaped like this:
//go:generate requestgen -type PlaceOrderRequest -responseType "\"net/url\".Response"
-responseDataField [dataField]
When dataField
is given, it means your data is inside the responseType
, the field name is where you want to extract the data from.
Be sure to define dataField
as a json.RawMessage
so that the generated code can handle the decoding separately.
For example:
type Response struct {
Code string `json:"code"`
Message string `json:"msg"`
CurrentPage int `json:"currentPage"`
PageSize int `json:"pageSize"`
TotalNum int `json:"totalNum"`
TotalPage int `json:"totalPage"`
Data json.RawMessage `json:"data"`
-responseDataType [dataType]
When dataType
is given, it means your data is inside the responseType
. the raw json message will be decoded with this given type.
//go:generate GetRequest -url "/api/orders" -type GetOpenOrdersRequest -responseDataType []Order
type GetOpenOrdersRequest struct {
client requestgen.AuthenticatedAPIClient
market string `param:"market,query"`
func (c *RestClient) NewGetOpenOrdersRequest(market string) *GetOpenOrdersRequest {
return &GetOpenOrdersRequest{
client: c,
market: market,
//go:generate requestgen -method DELETE -url "/api/orders/:orderID" -type CancelOrderRequest -responseType .APIResponse
type CancelOrderRequest struct {
client requestgen.AuthenticatedAPIClient
orderID string `param:"orderID,required,slug"`
func (c *RestClient) NewCancelOrderRequest(orderID string) *CancelOrderRequest {
return &CancelOrderRequest{
client: c,
orderID: orderID,
requestgen provides a base HTTP client, if your application does not need to get authenticated, you can use it directly:
baseURL, err := url.Parse("")
ctx := context.Background()
apiClient := &BaseAPIClient{
BaseURL: baseURL,
req, err := apiClient.NewRequest(ctx, "GET", "/api/v3/ping", nil , nil)
resp, err := apiClient.SendRequest(req)
You can also embed requestgen.BaseAPIClient into your own APIClient struct.
You can implement your own http API client struct that satisfies the following
interface (defined in requestgen.APIClient
// APIClient defines the request builder method and request method for the API service
type APIClient interface {
// NewRequest builds up the http request for public endpoints
NewRequest(ctx context.Context, method, refURL string, params url.Values, payload interface{}) (*http.Request, error)
// SendRequest sends the request object to the api gateway
SendRequest(req *http.Request) (*Response, error)
// AuthenticatedAPIClient defines the authenticated request builder
type AuthenticatedAPIClient interface {
See a real example implementation of the APIClient interface. kucoin exchange client
- callbackgen
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