Forest Loss and Wildfire Risk Assessment System using machine-learning (Thanks to USAID for sponsoring v 1.0).
Features: Predictive risk assessment of Forest Loss and Wildfires in the Peruvian Amazon. Options to use point data from offical Annual Forest Loss, Early Alert Data or FIRMS Point Fire location (historic or last 7 days). Output maps as tiff or jpg. Input and output raters (maps) are 100 m spatial resolution. Open-source machine-learning (Maxent) as the core algorithm. (From:
Newer versions have been developed using mutli-model ensembles in R and Google Earth Engine.
The 250 m spatial resolution version of Peru and Colombia deforestation risk using Maxent (version 1.0) are available here. The 250 m spatial resolution version of Peruvian Amazon deforestation risk using a multi-model ensemble in R (version 2.0) is now available (Peru_Amazon_Risk_Multimodel_250m.rar).
Please contact for higher resolution versions (100 m and 30 m) and monthly updates on deforestation risk and wildfire risk. Visit us at