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Common low-level Arduino functions and routines intended to be used by other libraries.


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AUnit Tests

An Arduino library containing small, low-level functions and routines which have no dependencies to any other external libraries so that they can be easily reused from other Arduino libraries in my collection.

All functions and classes are accessible through a single include file <AceCommon.h> and the ace_common namespace:

#include <AceCommon.h>
using namespace ace_common;

Instead of pulling in all functions and classes in the ace_common namespace into the global namespace, it is often better to limit the import to the specific function that is needed. For example if only the hashDjb2() is needed, then do this:

#include <AceCommon.h>
using ace_common::hashDjb2;

The src/AceCommon.h header file includes the following sub-header files automatically:


  • src/arithmetic/arithmetic.h
    • void incrementMod(T& c, T m)
    • void incrementModOffset(T&c, T m, T offset)
    • uint8_t decToBcd(uint8_t)
    • uint8_t bcdToDec(uint8_t)
    • unsigned long udiv1000(unsigned long)

String Types

  • src/pstrings/pstrings.h
    • int strcmp_PP(const char* a, const char* b)
    • const char* strchr_P(const char* s, char c) (ESP8266 and ESP32 only)
    • const char* strrchr_P(const char* s, char c) (ESP8266 and ESP32 only)
  • src/tstrings/tstrings.h
    • Overloaded functions which provide a thin layer of indirection around a const char* or a const __FlashStringHelper*.
    • Allows writing of template code which is agnostic to whether the string is stored in normal memory or flash memory. The compiler will choose the exact implementation at compile-time.
    • strcat_T()
    • strchr_T()
    • strcmp_T()
    • strcpy_T()
    • strlen_T()
    • strncat_T()
    • strncmp_T()
    • strncpy_T()
    • strrchr_T()
  • src/fstrings/FCString.h
    • class FCString
    • An object that can hold either a C-string (const char*) or an F-string (const __FlashStringHelper*), and a type discrimination tag that allows the client code to determine the type at runtime.
  • src/fstrings/FlashString.h
    • src/fstrings/
    • class FlashString
    • Wraps a const __FlashStringHelper* into an object that looks and acts like a normal c-string pointer const char*.
    • Allows template functions to be written once, then reused for a flash string pointer const __FlashStringHelper*.
  • src/kstrings/KString.h
    • Wrapper around a c-string or an f-string which supports compression using keyword substitution from a dictionary. Up to 31 keywords supported.
    • The keywords dictionary itself can be in normal memory or flash memory.
    • class KString
  • src/cstrings/copyReplace.h
    • Replace a character with another character and copy result to destination. There are 2 overloaded versions:
      • void copyReplaceChar(char* dst, size_t dstSize, const char* src, char oldChar, char newChar)
      • void copyReplaceChar(char* dst, size_t dstSize, const __FlashStringHelper* src, char oldChar, char newChar)
    • Replace a character with another string and copy result to destination. There are 4 overloaded versions:
      • void copyReplaceString(char* dst, size_t dstSize, const char* src, char oldChar, const char* newString)
      • void copyReplaceString(char* dst, size_t dstSize, const char* src, char oldChar, const __FlashStringHelper* newString)
      • void copyReplaceString(char* dst, size_t dstSize, const __FlashStringHelper* src, char oldChar, const char* newString)
      • void copyReplaceString(char* dst, size_t dstSize, const __FlashStringHelper* src, char oldChar, const __FlashStringHelper* newString)

Print to String Buffer

  • src/print_str/PrintStr.h
    • src/print_str/
    • Provides classes that implement the Print interface so that values can be printed into in-memory buffers. The string can then be extracted as a normal c-string using const char* PrintStr::cstr().
    • Alternative to the Arduino String class to avoid or reduce heap fragmentation.
    • class PrintStrBase
    • class PrintStr<uint16_t SIZE> (buffer on stack)
    • class PrintStrN(uint16_t size) (buffer on heap)

Print Utilities

  • src/print_utils/printPadTo.h
    • src/print_utils/
    • void printPad2To(Print& printer, uint16_t val, char pad = ' ')
    • void printPad3To(Print& printer, uint16_t val, char pad = ' ')
    • void printPad4To(Print& printer, uint16_t val, char pad = ' ')
    • void printPad5To(Print& printer, uint16_t val, char pad = ' ')
  • src/print_utils/printIntAsFloat.h
    • void printUint16AsFloat3To(Print& printer, uint16_t val)
      • Divide 16-bit integer val by 1000 and print the result as a floating point number to 3 decimal places.
      • Does not use floating point operations.
    • void printUint32AsFloat3To(Print& printer, uint32_t val)
      • Divide 32-bit integer val by 1000 and print the result as a floating point number to 3 decimal places.
      • Does not use floating point operations.
  • src/print_utils/printfTo.h
    • src/print_utils/
    • Provides a primitive printf() functionality to an instance of Print (e.g. Serial) for those Arduino boards without a Print.printf() function.
    • void printfTo(Print& printer, const char* fmt, ...)
  • src/print_utils/printReplaceTo.h
    • Print a string while replacing a character with another character or another string.
    • void printReplaceCharTo( Print& printer, const char* src, char oldChar, char newChar)
    • void printReplaceCharTo( Print& printer, const __FlashStringHelper* src, char oldChar, char newChar)
    • void printReplaceStringTo( Print& printer, const char* src, char oldChar, const char* newString)
    • void printReplaceStringTo( Print& printer, const __FlashStringHelper* src, char oldChar, const char* newString)

Timing Statistics

Encoding and Decoding

  • src/url_encoding/url_encoding.h
    • src/url_encoding/
    • Encodes and decodes strings using "form URL encoding" which converts spaces ' ' into '+', and non-alphnumerics into percent-hex digits.
    • void formUrlEncode(Print& output, const char* str)
    • void formUrlDecode(Print& output, const char* str)
    • void byteToHexChar(uint8_t c, char* high, char* low, char baseChar = 'A')
    • uint8_t hexCharToByte(char c)
  • src/backslash_x_encoding/url_encoding.h
    • src/backslash_x_encoding/
    • Encodes non-ASCII printable characters (c < 32 or c > 126) as \xhh where hh is the 2-digit hexadecimal representation of the character. The backslash character \ itself is transformed into 2 backslashes \\.
    • size_t backslashXEncode(char* t, size_t tcap, const char* s, uint8_t* status)
    • size_t backslashXDecode(char* t, size_t tcap, const char* s, uint8_t* status)

Hash Code


Version: 1.6.2 (2023-06-25)


See Also:


The latest stable release is available in the Arduino IDE Library Manager. Search for "AceCommon". Click install.

The development version can be installed by cloning the GitHub repository (, checking out the develop branch, then manually copying over the contents to the ./libraries directory used by the Arduino IDE. (The result is a directory named ./libraries/AceCommon.)

The master branch contains the tagged stable releases.

External Dependencies

The core of this library will never depend on any external dependencies so that it can be easily reused by other libraries (e.g. AceTime, AceButton, AceRoutine, etc).

The unit tests under tests/ depend on:

The unit tests can be executed on Linux or MacOS using:

Source Code

The source files are organized as follows:

  • src/AceCommon.h - main header file
  • src/*/ - implementation files
  • tests/ - unit tests which require AUnit
  • examples/ - example sketches
  • examples/MemoryBenchmark
    • gathers the flash and static memory consumption of various functions and classes
    • validates my intuition of memory consumption of these routines
    • detects unexpected changes in memory consumption
  • examples/AutoBenchmark
    • determines the CPU time consumed by various AceCommon features or functions


System Requirements


Tier 1: Fully supported

These boards are tested on each release:

  • Arduino Nano clone (16 MHz ATmega328P)
  • SparkFun Pro Micro clone (16 MHz ATmega32U4)
  • Seeeduino XIAO M0 (SAMD21, 48 MHz ARM Cortex-M0+)
  • STM32 Blue Pill (STM32F103C8, 72 MHz ARM Cortex-M3)
  • Adafruit ItsyBitsy M4 (SAMD51, 120 MHz ARM Cortext-M4)
  • NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E module, 80MHz ESP8266)
  • WeMos D1 Mini (ESP-12E module, 80 MHz ESP8266)
  • ESP32 Dev Module (ESP-WROOM-32 module, 240MHz dual core Tensilica LX6)

Tier 2: Should work

These boards should work but I don't test them as often:

  • ATtiny85 (8 MHz ATtiny85)
  • Arduino Pro Mini clone (16 MHz ATmega328P)
  • Mini Mega 2560 (Arduino Mega 2560 compatible, 16 MHz ATmega2560)
  • Teensy LC (48 MHz ARM Cortex-M0+)
  • Teensy 3.2 (96 MHz ARM Cortex-M4)

Tier 3: May work, but not supported

  • Other 3rd party SAMD21 boards may work if they do not use the ArduinoCore-API.

Tier Blacklisted

The following boards are not supported and are explicitly blacklisted to allow the compiler to print useful error messages instead of hundreds of lines of compiler errors:

  • Any platform using the ArduinoCore-API (, such as:
    • megaAVR (e.g. Nano Every)
    • SAMD21 boards w/ arduino:samd version >= 1.8.10 (e.g. Nano 33 IoT, MKRZero, etc)
    • Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040

Tool Chain

This library was developed and tested using:

It should work with PlatformIO but I have not tested it.

The library works on Linux or MacOS (using both g++ and clang++ compilers) using the EpoxyDuino emulation layer.

Operating System

I use Ubuntu Linux 22.04 for most of my development.


MIT License

Feedback and Support

If you have any questions, comments, or feature requests for this library, please use the GitHub Discussions for this project. If you have bug reports, please file a ticket in GitHub Issues. Feature requests should go into Discussions first because they often have alternative solutions which are useful to remain visible, instead of disappearing from the default view of the Issue tracker after the ticket is closed.

Please refrain from emailing me directly unless the content is sensitive. The problem with email is that I cannot reference the email conversation when other people ask similar questions later.


Created by Brian T. Park (