Utilities and Scripts for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- App Mesh
- list_mesh_contents.py - Iterate through all of the resources of an AWS App Mesh and output to terminal
- Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
- get_instance_limits.py - Get the EC2 instance per-type limits in a serialized format
- Identity and Access Management (IAM)
- rotate_access_key.py - Automatically rotates the oldest AWS Access Key locally. Optionally specify a profile to change the key for that profile.
- Simple Notification Service (SNS)
- count_topics.py - Counts the number of SNS topics in an account/region. Uses pagination to scale to SNS Topic Limit, and includes a "checkpoint" to track progress.
- Systems Manager (SSM)
- get_all_parameters.py - Batch operation to return all parameters. Profile aware, and has a flag for decryption.