A sample application written in Java and Typescript that let's you search for cities by their name. It uses the Geonames services and visualizes the result via Google Maps Javascript API and as a table data.
Live demo is available at https://butchyyyy-city-search.herokuapp.com/
Note: The app uses free dyno hours and goes into sleep mode after 30 minutes of inactivity. Web requests can take longer than expected till the server becomes active again.
If you want to develop or build the application you'll need following software installed:
For the application to work properly you also need:
The application uses the Gradle Build Tool. To create the Spring Boot Jar run:
gradlew clean assemble
To run the Spring Boot application, run the following command:
java -jar backend\build\libs\citysearch-app-<version>.jar
You can provide the application secrets either via command line arguments:
java -jar backend\build\libs\citysearch-app-<version>.jar \
-Dcitysearch.googlemap.apiKey=<Your Google Map API Key>
-Dcitysearch.geonames.userName=<Your Geonames username>
or by setting following environment variables
(for Windows users prefix the commands with set
MAP_API_KEY=<Your Google Map API Key>
GEONAMES_USERNAME=<Your Geonames username>
The application is available at http://localhost:8090 by default.
You can adjust the port by adding -Dserver.port=<Your desired port>
to the command line
or by setting PORT
environment variable.
To develop the application you can start the frontend and backend part of the project independently either from your favourite IDE or by gradle tasks:
gradlew bootRun
The backend is available at http://localhost:8090 by default.
Note that this will start just the backend services and static front end assets won't be available
since they're baked into the Spring Boot Jar in the assembly phase.
To change the port or pass secrets to the application use --args
command line argument
with the bootRun task, e.g.:
gradlew bootRun --args="--server.port=8099 --citysearch.googlemap.apiKey=topsecret"
To test the backend services without running front end you can use Swagger UI available at http://localhost:8090/swagger-ui.html You can of course use any other tool of your preference (Soap-UI, Postman etc.)
gradlew start
The frontend is available at http://localhost:8080. Api requests are proxied to backend's default address http://localhost:8090.
Changing the frontend port when starting dev server by a gradle task is not supported at the moment. If you have local yarn installation, you can however start the dev server on custom port by running following in the frontend folder:
yarn start --port 8088
The backend address dev server proxies requests to can be only changed
by locally editing webpack.dev.js
Before submitting a change, make sure your application lints and all tests are passing:
gradlew lint test
You should also check test coverage reports to see if all new code is properly covered by tests by running:
gradlew testCoverage
You can find the coverage reports in frontend/coverage
and backend/build/reports/jacoco/test/html