The purpose of this application is to get the weather information of the locations you want with the data we get from "openweathermap". I did the whole application from scratch, including the design and coding.
- On its homepage, there are 4 cities with "Collection View". When you click it, you will be directed to the detail page.
- When you enter an invalid city in the search bar, you get a warning from the "UIAlertController".
- On the detail page, there is detailed weather information of the city you entered and animation is displayed with the help of "Lottie".
- I wanted to make changes while fetching data, I didn't use "Kingfisher". I showed the images with the help of extension.
- MVVM Design Pattern
- UICollectionView
- Custom CollectionView Cell
- Protocols
- UITapGestureRecognizer
- UIAlertController
- DateFormatter
- Lottie
- Alamofire