Install VSBuild.exe execute admin account npm install --global --production windows-build-tools nodejs/node-gyp#307
Install Mongodb https://www.mongodb.com/download-center?jmp=nav#community No wiredTiger Engine -> mongod --dbpath "data" --storageEngine "mmapv1"
Install Redis https://github.com/MSOpenTech/redis/releases https://github.com/dmajkic/redis/downloads http://lovedb.tistory.com/150 redis-server
Server 기기 등록 단계 인증 요청 받은 기기 인증 처리 단계 인증 정보 확인 단계 통신 테스트 인증 된 기기 일 경우 인증 화면 출력 미 인증 된 기기 일 경우 오류 화면 출력
Client 키 쌍 생성 단계 기기 정보와 공개키를 이용한 기기 인증 단계 통신 테스트 인증 된 기기 일 경우 정상 접속 화면 출력 미 인증 된 기기 일 경우 미 인증 화면 출력
Sample project for Write Modern Web Apps with the MEAN Stack by Jeff Dickey
- Chapter 1: How Modern Web Architecture Is Changing
- Chapter 2: Why JavaScript Is a Good Choice for Modern Apps
- Chapter 3: Introducing the Social Networking Project GitHub .zip
- Chapter 4: Building a Node.js API GitHub .zip
- Chapter 5: Integrating Node with Angular GitHub .zip
- Chapter 6: Automating Your Build with Gulp GitHub .zip
- Chapter 7: Building Authentication in Node.js GitHub .zip
- Chapter 8: Adding Routing and Client Authentication GitHub .zip
- Chapter 9: Pushing Notifications with WebSockets GitHub .zip
- Chapter 10: Performing End-to-End Testing GitHub .zip
- Chapter 11: Testing the Node Server GitHub .zip
- Chapter 12: Testing Angular.js GitHub .zip
- Chapter 13: Deploying to Heroku GitHub .zip
- Chapter 14: Deploying to Digital Ocean
If you see anything that is confusing, seems like a step is skipped, or that is different from the book than here, please submit an issue. I want to make sure this code is as helpful as possible and should get back to you quickly.
Express deprecated the syntax for simple HTTP responses. You used to be able to say res.send(401)
and it would reply 'Unauthorized' along with the HTTP code, this is deprecated in favor of res.sendStatus(401)
which does the same thing.