Tags: bulletmark/pacpush
Rsync/ssh to use personal ssh config file Previously, rsync and ssh run as root would use default `/root/.ssh/config` (if it exists) but now we use the user's personal config file (`~/.ssh/config`) simply because that is usually already set up for the remote connections and it is much easier to edit/maintain. Since users sometimes specify a `User` line in this config for some hosts we always run the root rsync/ssh to `root@host` so any `User` line is ignored. There may be users for which this change breaks their setup because they were previously setting ssh options in the root ssh file. Those users should move pacpush ssh config settings to a file `~/.config/pacpush/ssh_config` and add a line `ssh_config_file: ssh_config` to their `~/.config/pacpush/pacpush.conf`. This is a neater approach anyhow. Note this commit also changed lint check from flake 8 to ruff.