All of this is optional of course and only if you have time and feel like it :)
White boxes in User interface menu are easier to see. maybe make temp change boxes also white. the size of boxes in user interface is better too.
maybe change everything to left justified? the different items are shifted different spots so it's harder to follow them down the page.
once everythign is left justified, make the slider bar just a little longer on soldering temp and boost.
suggestion to remove the green background and just have thick colored Box sections around Category of grouped settings to make it less busy.
for example Power Settings would be one box all white with color main border. and only the main heading "Power Settings" with drop down arrow would be only thing with full background color.
7. maybe each sub-menu item like PD timeout don't show the scrolling help message. maybe user has to hover over word PD Timeout to see pop-up with help text. OR on left side of "PD timeout" have a small flyout arrow and if you click it it opens to show help message. that would clean this up a lot. because people don't need to see the help messages all the time. they get used to what the items does. and if they forget they can click to see help message or click arrow for flyout? just a suggestion.
8. Collor of the sliding bards should be consistent. with color of the box info next to it so whatever border color is used for temperature and boost boxes for example, make the slider bar the same color.
These are all just thoughts, I'm not sure it will look good or worse with my suggestions. I do think all left justified will help and makeing all cartegories color like Power Settings, Sleep mode but having the main boxes be all white. with a color border around everything. More white space to keep things less clutterered.
Could go with Teal green/Orange/gray theme. or a Purple and teal theme like image by sticking to just 3 colors and grey and black for stuff but mostly white everywhere.
If you want some color background for the boxes. could go with a very light color like this entry boxes are White but see that the rest of the page is a very light share of bone white. and there is even a light grey shade there.