A group project for the Software Engineering Lab Course.
You need to install Java Spring, Maven packages and MySQL service provider for the run.
Java Spring, Hibernate, JPA and MySQL used for the back-end development.
Bootstrap3 used for the front-end part.
1-) Start MySQL and Apache services. For this project, you can use Xampp.
2-) Edit application.properties for the both oss and adminportal directories. Sample path of the application.properties is "oss/src/main/resources/application.properties"
3-) In the application.properties file enter your database url in the "spring.database.url=" section and enter a mail and its' password for the "spring.mail.username" and "spring.mail.password" section.
4-) First open the adminportal folder and run the AdminportalApplication then run the OssApplication in the oss folder.
5-) localhost:8081 for the admin portal, localhost:8080 for the online shopping system part.